EoW March 2010
April 12 - 16
The wait is over… …the planning is complete, and on 12 th April 2010 the Düsseldorf Fairground will open its doors to ve days dedicated to the wire and cable industry. Nearly 1,200 exhibitors from at least 49 countries are booked into 52,000m 2 of hall space. EuroWire asked Düsseldorf exhibitors to reveal what’s new for 2010. The following pages show how they responded. Both wire and cable sectors are well represented, showing that the industry hasn’t sat back and taken things easy since 2008. Despite, or perhaps because of, the di cult trading conditions of the last 18 months, manufacturers are coming back with new o erings to the market; cleaner, faster, cheaper solutions to make your business more productive.
From 12 th to 16 th April, wire Düsseldorf is the only place to be.
Organisers : Messe Düsseldorf GmbH – Germany Fax : +49 211 45 6087 7793 Email : wire@messe-duesseldorf.de Website : www.wire.de
Show dates :
Monday 12 th April to Friday 16 th April 2010
Show opening hours : Daily from 9am to 6pm Friday from 9am to 5pm
EuroWire – March 2010
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