EoW March 2008
31 March-04 April
➣➢➣ The new MX design is a development of the universal Buss MKS kneader but now with four flight screws – as used in the already well-proven quantec® kneader for PVC compounding. It has a redesigned kneading chamber with greater volume and individually optimised process zones. Furthermore, the mixing effect has been intensified while at the same time reducing specific energy consumption by about 15%. As a direct result of these improvements, the melt temperature rise as a function of screw speed is significantly less than before, enabling screw speeds up to 750rpm to be realised. Production trials with the new MX technology have seen improvements in product quality, specifically dispersion, and throughput up to 2.5 times higher than the MKS kneader of equivalent dimension. Apart from reduced floor space, this brings users considerable savings not only in initial investment costs but also in operating costs thanks to lower power consumption. The MX technology focuses on the highly filled applications namely, flame retardant compounds, semi-conductive compounds and masterbatches.
Clearly, one of the most rapidly expanding areas in cable compounds is the non-halogen flame retardant and Buss will be aiming to retain its primary position in this demanding application.
Buss AG – Switzerland Fax : +41 61 825 6688 Email : info@coperion.com Website : www.coperion.com
BWE’s new factory in Pu Dong, China
Europe, the Far East and the Middle East. Additionally, two large SheathEx™ machines (sheathing of high voltage power cables) and a Conklad 350 machine for ACSR applications, were supplied to three new Chinese customers in 2007. BWE Shanghai Ltd was established in 1995 and has been very successful in manufacturing cold pressure welders. In 2002, BWE Shanghai Ltd opened its new modern factory in Pu Dong and has since supplied a number of Conform machines to the Chinese domestic market. The company is now pleased to offer Conform machines built by BWE Shanghai Ltd to world markets at much reduced prices. These machines will be manufactured and assembled in China, under the supervision of BWE UK specialists and all machines will be
BWE Ltd 11 F26
BWE Ltd has been manufacturing Conform™ and Conklad™ continuous extrusions machines for more than 30 years. In 1976, BWE was awarded the original Conform patent licence from the inventors of the process (UKAEA). BWE has since supplied many machines for a wide range of different applications in the global non-ferrous and wire and cable industries. BWE has recently secured contracts for a range of small to large machines for copper applications such as rectangular wire (magnet wire), lightning conductors, bus bars, trolley wire and other sections to customers in
EuroWire – March 2008
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