EoW March 2008
english technology news
Complete systems fromMario Di Maio
Mario Di Maio manufactures complete systems and machines for the metal wire process. Square section wire rolling in continuous condition is provided through wire rolling trains that avoid unevenness and difficulty faced with the traditional multi-groove rolling mill systems, basing on a more sophisticated mechanical structure and an accurate electronic control of the working speeds. Wire rolling trains could be supplied as 8 or 12-passage models, in three different series, in accordance to the dimension of the bar to be rolled , for a max dimension of 16mm. For wire drawing, the square wire – once processed with the rolling mill – is then reduced to the desired diameter through the multi-pass wire drawing machines that can perform at a very high working Royal DSM has developed a new polymer which extends the portfolio for high performance engineering thermoplastics. The polymer, described as PA4T, has been developed by DSM Engineering Plastics, the inventor in high performance polyamides with Stanyl® 46. The new polymer will answer to market trends for miniaturisation and convergence of electronic devices like mobile phones and computers. It will assist automakers in continued weight reduction efforts for better fuel efficiency and lower costs. PA4T exhibits an exciting and unique balance of properties including excellent dimensional stability, compatibility with lead free soldering, high stiffness and mechanical strength at elevated temperatures, high melting point, and excellent processability in terms of flow and processing window. DSM has filed patents on the new polymer, developed compounds and held initial investigative trials with market leaders for various end uses. New polymer from DSM
speed. The company’s MDMT12NFS multi- pass drawing machine combines a 300m/ minute speed and the possibility to draw – without breakages – a 0.12mm diameter wire, thanks to its accurate electronic control pulling system. Reduction of a round wire to a flat rectangular strip – as requested for different uses in the industry – needs a high precision flattening rolling mill. The MDM LSF105X70 model – provided with coils – is an interesting machine of compact dimensions. Double coils are electronically adjustable, with automatic pulling control – speed and winding pitch. It provides a high max rolling mill
of 200m/minute, widia rings on the rolls and roll cooling system also allow you to obtain very thin thickness (0.05 mm) with absolute precision. Mario Di Maio SpA – Italy Fax : +39 02 9689700 Email : info@mariodimaio.it Website : www.mariodimaio.it
Reaching the people you want to reach . . .
DSM – Netherlands Fax : +31 45 574 0680 Email : info@dsm.com Website : www.dsm.com
EuroWire – March 2008
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