EoW March 2008
english technology news
Washing and pickling plants for 30 years
Serindgamma has been producing washing-salting and pickling plants for wires and bands since 1977 and is specialised in cleaning machines in line with mechanical as well as chemical operations. Serindgamma machines are entirely manufactured in the factory situated in Magenta, Milan, Italy. The company is a strong believer in flexibility. The flexibility of the technical depart- ments to study and manufacture customised solutions, using deeply tested technology in order to solve all the problems linked to wire and cable production. This flexibility has seen the company’s turnover increase every year, and for it to increase the number of customers worldwide. These plants are normally equipped with ultrasounds of the latest generation, controlled by micro-processors that work
with several frequencies for cleaning at the same time both aluminium and stainless steel wires without any risk of damaging the surface.
These machines are able to treat up to 26 wires in line with a production speed up to 30m/minute.
Serindgamma Srl – Italy Fax : +39 02 9729 2241
All machines are made in Italy
Email : info@serindgamma.com Website : www.serindgamma.com
T h e s e plants are c o m p o s e d m u l t i - t a n k s washing-solution; the number
dimension these tanks is made according to the treatment and chemical process that customers need and the process speed. of
In addition to the washing Serindgamma assures additional air blowing and/or heating treatment for drying the wires for a perfectly clean surface in order to let the wire reach the post operations completely dried.
EuroWire – March 2008
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