EoW March 2008
english technology news
Draka Comteq’s new fibre coating technology
Draka Comteq has launched its latest innovation in fibre coating technology – ColorLockXS. The optical fibre technology, cabling, connectivity solutions and network engineering services company’s new product became available on Draka Comteq’s flagship bend-insensitive fibre, BendBrightXS from January. BendBrightXS, the first true bend- insensitive fibre introduced in 2006, has gained significant momentum in the marketplace as it meets the most stringent fibre bending standards while maintaining backwards compatibility with existing fibre infrastructure. The newest enhancement, ColorLockXS, improves fibre micro-bending performance as well as strip-ability, while adding new vibrant colours integrated into the fibre coating. Unlike other fibres, BendBrightXS is an all-glass fibre using proven and industry- accepted materials and technology, eliminating splicing concerns or special procedures for connectivity.
Micro-bending with ColorLockXS coating on BendBrightXS means that the fibre is resistant to kink- losses, a key metric for fibre performance in tight bends required in FTTx applications. Kink-loss can be described as partial bends (up to 45 degrees) of the optical fibre at radii as small as 2mm. Typical improvement
losses for BendBrightXS in such a situation are less than 0.1dB, even at a 2mm radius, which represents up to a hundred times improvement. Draka Comteq – Netherlands Fax : +31 40 2923 866 Email : info@drakacomteq.com Website : www.drakacomteq.com
It’s all there in glorious colour!
A new brochure from Teknor Apex explains how designers, processors, and OEMs benefit from this custom compounder’s diverse thermoplastic technologies and its international supply capabilities. The colourful 12-page publication reports that Teknor Apex draws on a database of 40,000 formulations and uses manufacturing capacity on three continents to supply compounds that already comply with key international standards. One special capability cited is that of providing identical compounds to globalised customers with multiple plant locations. Details on the following broad compounding groups are presented, including many product ranges in each group and the markets served: Vinyl; thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs); engineered thermoplastics (ETPs); colourants; speciality compounding. •
The brochure is available via email or by visiting the website.
Teknor Apex Company – USA Fax : +1 401 729 0166 Email : info@teknorapex.com
Website : www.teknorapex.com
EuroWire – March 2008
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