EoW March 2008
english technology news
‘What if’ is reality in cable stranding and compacting What if you only used diamond on the working surface of a die? What if it became possible to make a Tungsten Carbide die with a composite surface layer of extremely fine grain Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD) on the working profle? The cost would be a bit more than the plain Tungsten Carbide die, but for compacting and stranding operations, the cable would now see a PCD die, with all the benefits of greatly improved surface finish and greatly improved wear resistance. Now the ‘what if’ is real – thanks to Sanxin Wire Die. The dies are called Nano-PCD Composites. The obvious applications are Cable Stranding and Compacting operations. Nano-PCD dies are readily available in diameters from 3mm to 60mm. In compacting and stranding operations, they are capable of processing 10 to 15 times the tonnage of the product, compared with Tungsten Carbide dies. Result – the cables stay within physical and electrical specification for much longer during production and the surface finish is clearly superior. Now you can easily justify using diamond dies for longer life and better finish, in diameters where previously you could not even think of using diamond. SanxinWire Die Co – USA Fax : +1 434 973 6622
Nexans’ range l extended
Nexans has further extended its Buflex range of polyurethane sheathed reeling energy cables with the addition of Buflex X’Prem, designed to boost the performance and durability of cranes operating at high speeds of up to 150 metres/minute. Buflex X’Prem’s new design greatly improves the cable in terms of traction and durability, without needing to increase its size. The thinner and lightweight polyurethane sheath enables it to offer similar performance to standard rubber sheathed reeling cables, but within a smaller overall diameter and enhanced abrasion resistance. This enables crane operators and OEMs to utilise smaller motorised reels to achieve equal or superior productivity. Buflex X’Prem is available in both a low-voltage, yellow version, for applications up to 1kV, such as in the general industrial crane market and a medium-voltage, red or black, version for applications from 6kV to 20kV in ports and terminals.
Nexans – France Fax : +33 15669 8484 Email : nexans.web@nexans.com Website : www.nexans.com
Email : admin@sanxinamerica.com Website : www.sanxinamerica.com
EuroWire – March 2008
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