EoW March 2008
english technology news
Super-size cables for Iraq CMS (Cable Management Supplies) Ltd went that extra mile, literally, when it recently supplied the UK's Ministry of Defence with fibre optic cables for use in Iraq.
Whereas CMS customers typically order fibre in lengths of 250m to 500m, the MoD required lengths of from two kilometres up to eight and ten kilometres.
communications and reconstruct civilian networks in Iraq.
CMS went – literally – the extra mile!
CMS is able to handle fibre orders of any size from small custom-made lengths and assemblies to large bulk requirements. Most cables can be delivered the next working day, before 1pm, at no extra charge on orders of more than £100.
CMS (Cable Management Supplies) Ltd – UK Fax : +44 1252 379370 Email : sales@cableman.co.uk
Website : www.cableman.co.uk
Rod and wire dry cleaning , in-line at high-speed
Decalub has developed a steel rod and wire dry cleaning system, called Smooth- Brush (SB), which operates in-line with a wire drawing machine. The SB system provides an extra- clean product by transversal high- speed fine brushing all around the wire circumference with automatically controlled brush pressure, and ensures unchanged rod/wire physical properties with no residual stress induced. Development of the rod and wire SB cleaning system eliminates the most costly parameters in wire drawing process, including elimination of acid and wet pre- coating chemicals, providing significant downstream benefits and substantial process savings. Suitable for use where the surface finish is of great importance, the system offers consistency and can benefit demanding applications including plating wire, CO 2 welding wire and H/C wires where the ductility is a focus, particularly in production of spring wire, bead wire, PC strand wire, etc. Brush bristles penetration is adjustable to automatically maintain surface micro- roughness from 10 to 25 microns, pre- selected at will.
Rod/wire cleaning by the SB brushing system
In applications with rod, the system provides transversal micro-roughing which is ideal for lubricant pick up during drawing, enabling even plastic deformation and a uniform metal flow within the, die at all practical speeds. This eliminates the need for wet pre- coating chemicals in the drawing process. In wire cleaning applications, the system's smooth abrading capability is used to clean drawn wire from lubricant residual enabling wire in-line polishing, metallic and plastic coatings, painting, etc.
Decalub – France Fax : +33 1 60 20 20 21 Email : info@decalub.com Website : www.decalub.com
EuroWire – March 2008
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