EoW March 2008
english corporate news
Nexans lays cable on bottom of Lake Constance, Germany . . .
Nexans has completed a contract for Stadtwerke Konstanz GmbH to lay a submarine fibre optic cable across Lake Constance, Germany, providing a new ultra-fast data communication link between the German towns of Konstanz and Friedrichshafen. Konstanz and Friedrichshafen are on opposite shores of Lake Constance, the large freshwater lake on the Rhine between Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Stadwerke Konstanz, the local utility, wanted to upgrade the data communications link between the two towns. However, laying the cable on land would have involved taking a long route around the lake with expensive excavation work. The direct route, with the cable laid on the lake bed, has proved more cost- effective. The fibre-optic cable, weighing more than 30 tons and 26 kilo- metres long, was manufactured and delivered by Nexans in one single continuous piece thus eliminating jointing operations. Beneath a robust outer sheath, it comprises four stainless steel sheathed bunched conductors, each consisting of 48 mono- mode fibre optic cables. Each individual fibre is capable of ultra-quick transmission of large amounts of data, digital television signals and an almost unlimited number of telephone conversations. A condition for Nexans receiving the order was that the materials used in the construction of the cable must not harm the drinking water reservoir, as many towns and communities, right up to the northern border of Baden-Württemberg, get their water from Lake Constance.
Workers lay the cable on the bed of Lake Constance, Germany ▲
Nexans – France Fax : +33 15669 8484 Email : nexans.web@nexans.com Website : www.nexans.com
Nexans will provide €21 million worth of power cables over the next four years, for Manitoba Hydro, the electric power and natural gas utility for the Canadian province. The agreement further extends a long relationship between Manitoba Hydro and Nexans in Canada, established in 2001, when Nexans was selected as its sole supplier for all utility cables and wires. Nexans currently provides Manitoba Hydro with 41 different cables, wires and accessories used by the overhead and underground power distribution network throughout the province, including medium voltage and low voltage cables, and bare aluminium and ACSR (aluminium conductor steel reinforced) wires. In addition to its cable and wire products, Nexans also provides a team of commercial and technical representatives to supervise installation and participate in joint continuous improvement objectives. The wire and cable products to be delivered over the next four years will be manufactured locally in the Nexans Weyburn plant in southeastern Saskatchewan. . . . and sends €21 million l worth of cables to Canada
New head at Roblon Cable solutions company Roblon has appointed Thomas Holt Jørgensen to head up its industrial fibre division. In his new role as division executive manager, Mr Jørgensen will head up activities including new R and D projects, the launch of new products, and participation in trade shows around the world. He has 10 years’ experience within the company, and has previously been based at Roblon Engineering Division and then at Roblon Industrial Fibre Division where he was sales and marketing manager since 2004. Roblon, which celebrated its 50 th anniversary last year, has representatives in more than 50 countries.
Roblon A/S – Denmark Fax : +45 9620 3399 Email : info@roblon.com Website : www.roblon.com
EuroWire – March 2008
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