EoW March 2008
wire 31 March-04 April
product quality, optimised efficiency of the downstream equipment to be fed as well as reproduceable and traceable production parameters. According to the permanent plc-operator control (if required self-adjustment) with constant target/actual – capacity-comparison and automatic supervision of the feeding cruise of FVE-feeder and the CCE-vibration trough (if required self-adjustment) a fully automatic, absolute consistent and equable furnace feeding of all kind of bulk material will be guaranteed. To complete the programme there is the Skako Comessa lift and tipping system TILDE to empty all sizes of transport boxes into the feeders.
500 kg up to 3000 kg), in bars (up to 6 metres long) and in welded mesh panels. Flashwire is designed to meet the most stringent production requirement by providing optimal wire surface quality (for chrome, nickel finish) and fully adapted for 2D/3D CNC wire bending machines: the wire is dead cast, no helix and offers uniform mechanical properties. Galvaflash, a shiny galvanised steel wire, is manufactured by SNTN through an innovative and patented in-line galvanising process, allowing an homogeneity of the zinc coating concentricity, an excellent weldability with good protection between spots of solder, as well as good forming and bending properties. Prezinc 500 is dedicated for agriculture, building construction and the wine industry. This is a corrugated galvanised steel wire that provides effective protection against concrete fatigue and corrosion, avoiding cracking and ruptures in the concrete. Steel wire core for copper-cladding processes are suitable for electronic compounds (resistors, diodes), telecommunications, lighting applications (light bulb filaments), resistance elements leads, a redrawn wire for high temperature conductors. The result is a low cost and light weight alternative to using copper.
SirioWire Srl 10 H43
Sirio Wire designs, builds and installs equipment for the chemical and electrochemical treatment of the wire, and will display pictures and film of their most recent supply.
Skako Comessa – Germany Fax : +49 2364 106072 Email : skako_comessa@t-online.de Website : www.skakocomessa.com
Film and pictures from Sirio Wire
This will include the recent supply of three fumeless HCl pickling, rinsing, fluxing bathes and dryers for galvanising lines of 30 wires at DV160 and DV200 for an English customer; electrolytic pickling (H2SO4) bathes at DV240 for a Russian customer; different ultrasonic and electrolytic cleaning lines for stainless steel, aluminium, oil tempered and high carbon steel wires; bronze coating line for 16 bead wires working until 500 m/min; three complete electro-phosphating lines for high or low carbon wire; plating lines (zinc, copper, nickel, tin); coating bathes monowire in line with the drawing machine or multiple wire in line with the furnace; electrical dryer; tanks, scrubber and fumes exhaust.
Société Nouvelle de Tréfilerie Normande 11 J61
Société Nouvelle de Tréfilerie Normande (SNTN) produces of high quality low carbon steel wire in bright mild steel with gauges ranging from 2mm up to 16mm (0.078' up to 0.630'), smooth and indented galvanised steel wire from 2mm up to 12mm (0.07' up to 0.472') and special steel wire core for copper- cladding process with the latest technology. Redrawn steel wire is used in numerous and diverse industries such as supermarket equipment, automotive industry, electrical appliances, DIY, furniture, agriculture and building construction. With Flashwire®, Galvaflash®, Prezinc® and steel wire core for copper-cladding process, SNTN provides customers with high quality standards of redrawn steel wire in coils (from
SNTN SAS – France Fax : +33 232 60 6560 Email : export@sntn.com Website : www.sntn.com
Solvay Specialty Polymers 12 B53
SirioWire Srl – Italy Fax : +39 0362 576138 Email : info@siriowire.it Website : www.siriowire.it
The wire and cable market has demanding requirements – from the need to prevent the risk of fire in telecommunication applications, to hydrolytic stability, chemical resistance and high temperature performance in speciality cable applications.
Skako Comessa 14 D21
Skako Comessa develops, produces and sells vibratory feeders and conveyors to activate, transport and separate all kind of bulk solids. The storage feeder type FV is used for continuous and weight-specific charging of materials for: Hardening and annealing furnaces, preparation machines, packaging machines, electro-plating machines, melting furnaces, machines for quality control, separating plants and washing machines. The furnace feeding systems are an important part of many industrial processes eg for the automatic and weight guaranteed feeding of belt-, annealing - and tempering furnaces, discharge of industrial washing and drying machines, feeding and discharge of industrial electroplating and surface treatment lines. Controlled, automatic and weight guaranteed feeding of bulk material ensures a steady
Amsterdsamstraat 14 - B-2000 Antwerp - Belgium Tel: +32 (3)226.15.76 Fax: +32 (3)226.39.40 Please contact: Mr Michel Landman E-mail: michel.landman@wire-steel.be Website: www.wiresteel.be
EuroWire – March 2008
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