EoW March 2008
wire 31 March-04 April
Ravni Technologies 12 D60
The new MD20-X straightening and cutting machine from Ravni Technologies cuts within a range of 1.8-6mm and variable speed from 30-130m per minute. All the functions are on a user friendly panel which follows the different stages of the production process in detail. Each module has its own motorised system with one electronic speed variator. The first feeding module includes the lubrification of the wire. The lubricant is recovered and recycled thanks to a full integrated device. It makes the straightening operation easier, and the wire surface cleaner and increase the tools life.
Particular attention is paid to the product qualities and to the die checking instru- ments. The laboratory is equipped to satisfy the most exacting requirements of the market, all expertly handled by the company’s technicians. Redies have been producing dies for more than 25 years ▲
Redies Srl – Italy Fax : +39 0362 852078 Email : info@redies.com Website : www.redies.com
The MD20-X
An independent encoder measures the lengths and the tolerance level is +/-0.3mm over 3 metres. This machine has a special feature which checks the length of the cut bars and discards any bar that doesn’t correspond to the given requirements. Thus, meshes never have wires that are too short. Four motors are installed on the MD20-X, and the spinner is moved with a servo-motor. The frame of the machine is in two parts. The upper table is put on special devices to suppress the vibrations and the noise level. As with all Ravni machines, the MD20-X is fitted with a fast tool changer. The preset straightening tools allows time savings and wire at every diameter change.
Reelex Packaging Solutions Inc 9 F06
Reelex Packaging Solutions will display its complete line of Reelex coiling equipment and ancillary equipment such as pay-offs, accumulators, and spooling machines will be on display via video screen. Based upon a series of United States’ and foreign patents that cover the equipment for making Reelex coils, the packaging elements of the Reelex package, and the Reelex coil itself, the system has proved popular, economical and an effective alternate to reels and spools for more than 25 years.
Ravni Technologies – France Fax : +33 477 90 5865 Email : info@ravni.com Website : www.ravni.com
Redies Srl 12 B16
Tangle-free wire packaging from Reelex
Redies Srl has been producing carbide and diamond dies (both natural and synthetic), as well as the machines and accessories for die working, for more than 25 years. The company is attentive to customers’ needs and the choosing of different qualities of diamond blanks and carbide die nibs.
While originally only used for communication cables, Reelex and Reelex II packagers are now used instead of reels and spools in a variety of wire and cable products including LAN, CATV, signal and alarm, and fibre optic cables, hook- up wires, and many other constructions.
EuroWire – March 2008
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