EoW March 2008
wire 31 March-04 April
A breakdown of the lines includes:
Propack SpA 13 A70
PS 470/16: Suitable for flexible cables from 5mm (0.20") up to 16mm (0.63") diameter; solid cables from 5mm (0.20") up to 10mm (0.39") diameter with a production of 3.5 coils 100m (328.08ft) long per minute. It can also wind flat cables and can be equipped with automatic tension control for telephone cables. PS 600/25: Suitable for flexible cables from 8mm (0.32") up to 25mm (0.99") diameter; solid cables from 8mm (0.32") up to 20mm (0.79") diameter with a production of 2.5-3 coils 100m (328.08ft) long per minute.
Propaflex is a plastic sheet made by a special production process so as to obtain two different surfaces: the inner surface is smooth and adheres perfectly and evenly to rounded surfaces, protecting them in the most effective manner. The outer surface is lamellar and reduces friction with other materials, but above all is capable of withstanding violent impacts, heavy weights, shocks or compressions. Propaflex is: 100% recyclable, weatherproof, easy to use and allows fast wrapping and is certified BFSV.
Designing and manufacturing packaging plants since 1960 ▲
Propack SpA – Italy Fax : +39 011 950 7808
Email : export@propackgroup.com Website : www.propackgroup.com
Proton Products Europe NV 11 D77
Proton Products will exhibit its entire range of instrumentation and machinery including high frequency induction wire pre-heaters, models PH160, PH300 and PH450, laser diameter measuring equipment, capacitance monitors, spark testers and laser non-contact cable length measuring equipment. For integration into modern lines, all equip- ment is now available with either profiBUS or deviceNET Comms. The inteliSENS laser doppler non-contact length measuring unit will be demonstrated and exemplary case studies that resulted into material savings selected from more than 1,000 units installed at major cable factories in Europe, Russia and the Middle East will be highlighted by Proton personnel. Proton Products Europe NV – Belgium Fax : +32 52466 313 Email : d.buelens@protonproducts.com Website : www.protonproducts.com
PS Costruzioni Meccaniche srl 10 B21
PS automatic coil winding lines can work as either a slave to the extruder (online) or as an autonomous final station. By using a selector-switch you can choose either the first or the second system. PS automatic coiling lines are equipped with strapping machines, thermo-shrinking tunnels, boxing machines, stackers and palletisers.
EuroWire – March 2008
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