EoW March 2008
wire 31 March-04 April
Manufacturing and corporate offices are in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA, and warehousing/ sales offices operate in California, Florida and Italy. ➣➢➣
space is very limited. Power consumption is minimal: the machines only require a supply of compressed air. A new automatic version of the HP100 will be launched at the show. PWM’s hand-held, manually operated models, the M10, M25 and M30, are all comfortable to hold and simple to use. With capacities ranging from 0.10mm to 1.80mm, these machines are ideal for welding wire quickly in confined spaces. Larger manually operated models on show will include the durable bench-mounted BM10 and BM30, and the M101, a versatile machine which can be bench-mounted or supplied with a trolley, enabling it to be wheeled directly to the weld
location. A pneumatic version of the M101, the P101, is also available. Large capacity rod welders include the powerful electro/pneumatic EP500, with a capacity of 5.00 to 12.50mm copper and 5.00 to 15mm aluminium, and the compact pneumatic P1000, capable of welding rod sections up to 16.00mm copper and 20.00mm aluminium. Power consumption is minimal and these machines are dependable and easy to operate.
Phifer Incorporated – USA Fax : +1 205 759 4450 Email : info@phifer.com Website : www.phifer.com
PressureWelding Machines 9 B41
PressureWelding Machines – UK Fax : +44 1233 820847 Email : pwm@btinternet.com Website : www.pwmltd.co.uk
British manufacturer PWM, which designs and manufactures high performance cold welding equipment and dies for the world market, will exhibit its full range of manual and powered welders. Visitors will be able to view the cold weld technique and try out the machines for themselves.
Try your hand at cold welding, thanks to PWM
PWM manufactures machines for a variety of applications, with the range including small hand-held, manual machines, bench-mounted and portable trolley-mounted models and large, freestanding rod welders. Clean, ‘green’ and economical to operate, all PWM welders use the multiple upset technique to effect a fast, reliable weld on non-ferrous materials, without heat, flux or fillers. No fumes are generated, no set-up time is required and the weld created is stronger than the parent material. PWM will present upgraded versions of its best-selling HP100 and HP200 welders. Equippedwithergonomicallydesigned trolleys with sloping platforms to give the operator a clear view of the weld area, these portable air/hydraulic powered machines provide an effortless weld on copper/aluminium wire and strip from 1.00 to 6.50mm diameter. The head of the HP100 model can be detached from the trolley, enabling welding to take place where
EuroWire – March 2008
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