EoW March 2008
wire 31 March-04 April
cord; wet drawing machines (for ultra-fine wire, saw wire, steel cord, spring wire, rope wire, staple and clips wire) complete with traditional horizontal or vertical spoolers or the newly developed series of full automatic spoolers with no operator’s intervention. M+E Macchine + Engineering Srl – Italy Fax : +39 0341 80 6002 Email : info@meitaly.it Website : www.meitaly.it
channels, is suitable for any combination of longitudinal and transverse flaw detection. The new MultiMac includes up to eight test channels, and a wide selection of test parameters and special circuits to enhance signal-to-noise ratio. Building on the successful Echohunter® software graphics, the instrument’s Test Screen displays one channel, and the Multi-Screen provides a simultaneous display of 1 to 8 channels. The Test Screen provides all the information needed to set up and operate MultiMac. Both screens display simultaneous polar and linear modes and all test parameters, including thresholds. Each channel on the MultiMac can be individually configured with different frequencies and different channel modes. For example, ‘differential’ mode is used to detect short weld-line defects, while ‘absolute’mode is appropriate for long, continuous surface flaws and open welds. A choice of three thresholds per channel – All Phase, Sector, or Chord – can be mapped to any of eight outputs, independently configurable for time or distance delay and normal reject or latched mode. With these features, MultiMac can be used to test a wide variety of non-magnetic products, or inspect magnetic material by using Direct Current saturation systems. A special configuration of channels, based on flux
Magnetic Analysis Corp 7 C36
best qualified supplier of such equipment, covering a wire range from 0.015 to 25mm. Spool take-up frame with double accumulation capstan for non-stop operation ▲ ➣➢➣
Magnetic Analysis Corp will feature the new MultiMac™ at wire 2008. The Windows® based multi-mode MultiMac eddy current tester operates with encircling/ sector test coils to detect short surface defects, and/or with rotary test probes to detect long, seam type surface defects. The new multi-mode capability incorporates all of the best features of MAC’s individual encircling coil and rotary probe instruments into one unit. MAC’s Echomac® ultrasonic FD-4 electronics with rotary transducers will also be exhibited. The FD-4, with up to 32 independent test
The M+E production range consists of:
Pay-offs from stationary spools or carriers; rotating pay-off turntables for spools or carriers; horizontal or vertical spool pay- off frames (option: double accumulation capstan); rotating capstan take-up frames for carriers (option: spiral laying, wire skinpass, dual size capstan); stationary capstan take- up frames for carriers (option: pattern laying, accumulation device, dual size capstan); horizontal or vertical spool take-up frames (option: double accumulation capstan); pay- offs and take-ups for bead-wire and steel
EuroWire – March 2008
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