EoW March 2008
31 March-04 April
A number of swell factors affords design engineers the flexibility to choose the size yarn and swell factor that best suits the cable. Fil-tec Inc – USA Fax : +1 301 824 6938
who will be showing a fully operational skin-foam-skin extrusion line. Components of the line include an 800mm O frame pintle powered pay-off with a 3m vertical dancer tension control system (350mm root diameter aluminium sheaves). A 1,200mm belt wrap style input capstan with AC servo drive control accurately feeds the bare conductor. A special Boockmann Helicord cleaning system will also be included on the line. An induction pre-heater provides conductor heating. The main extruder is a 65mm,
40:1 L/D design with Fine’s proprietary gas injection screw. The nitrogen gas is metered using Model N2-400 Preciseflow system. The two skin coats are applied via two 25mm, 24:1 L/D vertical extruders. The triple layer crosshead includes a pneumatic actuated bypass valve. The water cooling trough is all stainless steel construction and incorporates a Sikora capacitance and XY diameter gauging system. A main 1,200mm belt wrap capstan provides the main pull force and then leads into a 630mm pintle take-up also with a 3m dancer tension control system. The operator control panel incorporates discrete temperature controllers and touchscreen operator interface.
Email : fil-tec@fil-tec.com Website : www.fil-tec.com
Fine International 9 F22
Fine International Corporation is a worldwide supplier of wire and cable machinery,
1,800mm portal floor traversing take-up
Also on display will be a 16 carrier braider with 150 RPM operational speed and a 1,800mm portal floor traversing take-up. Fine will also highlight the materials (tapes/ conductors) and cable products divisions. Fine International Corporation – USA Fax : +1 732 933 4005 Email : sales@fineinternational.com Website : www.fineinternational.com
FisherTech 12 E37
A much wider range of wire and cable termination requirements and production needs can now be met with Fisher-Tech’s line of Injected Metal Assembly (IMA) systems. These wire and cable termination systems can cast zinc alloy terminations with a volume as large as to 65cm 3 (4 in 3 ) or as small as 10cm 3 (0.6 in 3 ) directly onto wires, cables and ropes up to 10mm (3/8 in) in diameter. FisherTech’s cable termination systems also meet specific production requirements: manual operation for low volume production
EuroWire – March 2008
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