EoW March 2008
english corporate news
Nordson’s Georgia plant in the top 21 in USA
Nordson Corporation’s Swainsboro, Georgia, USA, manufacturing facility was named a finalist in Industry Week magazine’s 2007 Best Plants competition. The Nordson plant was recognised as one of the top 21 in the USA. The Swainsboro facility produces ProBlue adhesive melters – hot melt dispensing systems, dispensing guns, modules and nozzles. The plant will also add new ProBlue Fulfill integrated fill systems and Classic XIV melters to its portfolio in 2008. These systems are used in the packaging of consumer products and in a wide variety of general industrial assembly applications. Established in 1990, the annual competition salutes plants that are on the leading edge of efforts to increase competitiveness, enhance customer satisfaction and create stimulating and rewarding work environments. The competition encourages manufacturing managers and work teams to emulate the honorees by adopting world-class practices, technologies and improvement strategies.
customer focus; employee empowerment; quality systems; management practices; and manufacturing capability. Industry Week selected Nordson from more than 200 entries in 2007. Nordson Corporation – USA Fax : +1 866 667 3329 Email : info@nordson.com Website : www.nordson.com
Career awards for WCMA
TheWire & Cable Manufacturers’ Alliance (WCMA) has announced the recipients of its 2008 Distinguished Career Award. The 24 th annual awards dinner and investiture ceremony will take place on 12 th April in Windsor, Connecticut, at the Hartford/ Windsor Marriott Airport Hotel. This year’s recipients are: Brian Bukovec, chief operating officer and vice president, Radix Wire; Mike Carbray, general manager, Amphenol/Spectra-Strip; David Chu, materials development director, Draka USA; Tony Dolce, CFO and director of administration, T & T Marketing; Virginia Hauser, vice president of sales, Phelps Dodge Sales Co; Richard Kruger, vice president sales and marketing, Champlain Cable Corp; Guy Marini, president and CEO, NEPTCO Inc; Fred Wagner, founder, Minnesota Wire & Cable. WCMA – USA Fax : +1 860 873 3281 Email : info@wcmainc.org Website : www.wcmainc.org
Entrants are judged on criteria including:
Proactive environmental and safety practices; operational improvements; agile production systems; supplier partnerships;
EuroWire – March 2008
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