EoW March 2008
31 March-04 April
Services include Etalon production; ground section production; analysis via microscope and sample bar testing.
Cenith ND-TEQ GmbH – Germany Fax : +49 7552 405 8816 Email : info@cenith.com Website : www.cenith.com
Cerrini Srl 10 F39
Cerrini manufactures complete insulation and sheathing lines for: silane energy low power cables with multi-component gravimeter-liquid dosing system silane energy medium power cables with multi-component gravimeter-liquid dosing system rubber or XLPE sheaths with continuous steam or gas vulcanisation for low/ medium power cables automotive wires with colour change system – completely automatically building wires (lines up to 1,500 m/min) completely automatically thermoplastic low voltage cables mono and multi-conductors and cables- round and flats telephone cables (2,500m/min) PVC-PE- PFE-PFA • • • • • • • •
test coils and probes for highly accurate error analysis; customer-specific construction sizes and special solutions; equipment design (combination of fine mechanical engineering, electronics, firmware/software); mechanical special equipment design (for inclusion in existing production lines); Cenith technology application areas; Eddy current testing on transverse, longitudinal and spot errors on bars and endless material (circumference and sections); weld seam testing on pipes (circumference and sections); Eddy current testing on individual parts; hardness testing on individual parts; magnetisation through permanent or electric yokes; de-magnetisation; colour marking for identification purposes. Cenith produces systems for integrated fully automatic test processes ▲
Complete lines from Cerrini
silicone cables special and high temperature cables optical fibre coaxial, LAN and MICROLAN cables with physical expansion (nitrogen) FEP cables with physical expansion (nitrogen) The company operates from three bases in Italy – Castellanza where administration, technical direction and production units are, a production site in Brugherio and the research and development section at Busto Arsizio. Cerrini Srl – Italy • • • • •
Fax : +39 0331 678062 Email : info@cerrini.it Website : www.cerrini.it
Hanworth Road Low Moor Bradford West Yorkshire BD12 0SG UK
Servicing and supplying the Wire, Tube and Rod Draw- ing Industry. BAR is one of Europe’s major suppliers of tungsten carbide drawing dies and specialised tooling. DIES Our extensive range of round and shaped profile dies are used by most of the major wire, tube and rod manu- facturers throughout the world. ROLLER COMPACTION Our Compaction systems and rollers are designed and manufactured to give the user leading edge technology; for the production of compacted wire rope. TOOLING BAR Products & Services produce a range of tooling, including Tube Plugs, Cutters, Wear Parts, Extrusion Dies and Tips, and many custom made machine parts. EXTRUSION TOOLING We manufacture round and shaped profile extrusion tips and dies as standard or to customer’s specifications, along with all associated tooling consumables. ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT Alongside our primary product range of dies, rolls, compaction systems and tooling – we supply a number of additional items, which support these products to provide a full and comprehensive service.
EuroWire – March 2008
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