EoW July 2012
Focus on Turkey
▲ ▲ Platex planetary extruders from Istanbul
Extrusion technology Takimsan’s Platex range offers plastification, homogenisation and dispersion technology for soft PVC, rigid PVC, wood-plastic composites, and PE+calcite granulates. Planetary roller screws ensure perfect mixing and compounding. Other main advantages of the Platex extruders are optimum degassing in special vacuum chamber; high production capacity (600, 900, 1,200 or 2,000kg/hr); substantial electric power savings; self-cleaning screws; short formula change times; and maximum filler (eg CaCO 3 ) plastification capacity. Takimsan Ltd – Turkey Website : www.takimsan.com Electrostatic equipment Mikron Machine Electrostatic Powder Application Co (Mikronix) is known principally for its electrostatic equipment production line. The company also produces electrostatic powdering machines, and with more than 200 machines manufactured to date is one of the leaders in its sector in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Ethiopia and Jordan. Mikronix – Turkey Website : www.mikronixcable.com
▲ ▲ Cable production at Meksan Kablo
LV cables
test laboratory to check everything according to global standards. The company is continuously improving its product range, for example by adding halogen free insulated wires and cables, and enlarging the range by adding aluminium conductor low voltage energy cables. The company also has TSE and HAR licences, and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certificate. Meksan Kablo – Turkey Website : www.meksankablo.com
Meksan manufactures building installation wires and low voltage energy cables according to international standards, including products under the ‘mexancab’ registered trademark. The company was founded in 2005 and after improving production, built its own plant in the Silivri İndustrial Area, Istanbul, with 13,500m² open and 10,000m² closed building areas. Meksan operates an ISO 9001:2008 quality management system together with a high-tech quality control Kablo Omerler Ltd has been established as an engineering, consultancy and sales representation company for the Turkish wire industry since 1989. After gaining adequate experience in this field Omerler expanded its activities to cover the production and re-cutting of tungsten carbide wire drawing dies in 1995. Since then, the company has continued to supply quality dies conforming to international standards to the wire industry. All Omerler dies are produced on state-of-the-art machinery within the required tolerances, allowing the company to warrant a consistent quality and repeatable results with its products. Omerler uses machinery and technology from US company Die Quip Corp, which it also represents in Turkey. Omerler supplies major wire mills in Turkey, and its dies have also been exported to countries that include Portugal, Italy, The Netherlands, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Zimbabwe and the Ivory Coast.
Tungsten carbide wire drawing dies
▼ ▼ Powder coating technology fromMikronix
▲ ▲ Dies fromOmerler
Being aware that the prerequisite for a quality product is to begin with a quality raw material, Omerler procures its raw material from the same well-known suppliers. Omerler is not only a die maker but also a problem solver. The company discusses the details of the wire production process and the aims of its customers in order to determine the best die profile suited to the process, and all dies are customised to the requirements of the customer. Omerler Ltd – Turkey Website : www.omerler.com.tr
EuroWire – July 2012
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