EoW July 2012
15 th Anniversary issue
World class, precision measurement and control systems
BETA LaserMike has a long history of providing high-precision, non-contact measurement and control solutions to the world’s leading wire and cable manufacturers. Its origins trace back to two main companies: Beta Instruments and LaserMike. control technologies for the wire and cable industry in the mid-sixties. LaserMike invented the rst laser-scanning micrometer in the early seventies to accurately measure part dimensions. These companies merged in 1997 under the now parent company “the Spectris Group” to form Beta LaserMike. In 2003, Beta LaserMike purchased a key non-contact length and speed measurement technology from TSI Instruments – the recognisable brand LaserSpeed®. In February 2012, the company acquired DCM Industries – a leading global provider of cable testing solutions. Since its inception, Beta LaserMike’s solutions have helped customers drive pro tability by increasing Beta Instruments pioneered the measurement and
productivity. The company has over 35 patents worldwide and continues to innovate. of measurement and control solutions include laser, ultrasonic, infrared, and process control technology for a wide range of Beta LaserMike’s portfolio
Beta LaserMike's head o ce in Dayton, Ohio, USA
in-process wire and cable applications. These solutions seamlessly integrate with an organisation’s production processes to e ectively reduce scrap, minimise material usage, increase capacity, and ensure product quality. Beta LaserMike’s highly recognisable brands include: • AccuScan – laser scanning diameter measurement • CenterScan – eccentricity measure- ment • CapScan – capacitance measure- ment • LayScan – lay length measurement • LaserSpeed – non-contact length and
speed measurement • LN Detector and Spark Testers – on-line fault detection of lumps and neckdowns, voids and pinholes • BenchMike – off-line sample inspection • UltraScan – ultrasonic wall and eccentricity measurement • SRL Pro – structural return loss prediction • DataPro – process control and data management • DCM Cable Testing Solutions – LAN, coaxial, telecom, marine, and aerospace Beta LaserMike is headquartered in Dayton, Ohio, USA. The company has a global sales and service presence with o ces in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. An extensive partner network extends the company’s solutions delivery to reach the various markets in all regions.
Some of the range from Beta LaserMike
Beta LaserMike – USA 8001 Technology Blvd Dayton, OH 45424 USA Tel: +1 937 233 9935 Fax: +1 937 233 7284 Toll Free: +1 800 886 9935
Email: sales@betalasermike.com Website: www.betalasermike.com
EuroWire – July 2012
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