EoW July 2012
News Technology
In response to the increasing demand for all-dielectric rodent resistant OFC, Roblon has introduced a new glass strength member named Anti-rodent Glass. Roblon introduces anti-rodent glass yarns
Roblon Anti-rodent Glass has been developed in close cooperation with suppliers and customers and tested at a test institute in India. The Roblon Anti-rodent Glass is a glass strength member coated with a non-toxic, non-hazardous rodent aversive coating. Anti-rodent Glass changes rodent behaviour over time and attack rate decreases after one week. The change in behaviour indicates that the rodents Tests show that Roblon
▲ ▲ The Anti-rodent Glass yarn from Roblon
learn that OFC with Roblon Anti-rodent Glass tastes bad and therefore they avoid these OFCs. In fact the Indian test institute went as far as to conclude: “Thus it can be concluded that the repellent effect of the test compounds may dominate gradually and lead to a gradual elimination of the rodent attack over a period longer than the period of exposure used in the current study.” Roblon Anti-rodent Glass is a strength member and rodent protection in one and should be applied as peripheral strength member. Furthermore, Roblon Anti-rodent Glass offers high wear resistance, thus eliminating possible issues with dust or filaments during production. Five species of rodents were used to test the efficiency of Roblon Anti-rodent Glass compared to other glass strength members. These five species of rodents are widely distributed and can be considered to represent a wide range of rodents – from the most ferocious to the most docile – that can cause damage to commercial communication cables.
Roblon A/S – Denmark Website : www.roblon.com
EuroWire – July 2012
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