EoW July 2012
News Technology
DCM Industries, a leading worldwide producer of cable test and measurement solutions and now part of Beta LaserMike, has released its new 3S-PCX broadband telecom cable test system and new CATS-3000 shielding effectiveness test system. Utilising DCM’s solid-state-switching platform, the company introduces a new generation of test systems for telecom cables. The new Model 3S-PCX covers New broadband telecom cable test
▲ ▲ The new 3S-PCX from DCM
the complete range of applications for telecom cables, from 100 kHz to 100 MHz applications. Traditional as well as new international telecom cable standards for xDSL and other broadband applications (including ASTM, IEC, ANSI-TIA) can be quickly and automatically tested. 26-pair/52-pair/104-pair fixture options, dual impedance features, and updated test reporting. The new Model CATS-3000 from DCM provides a tri-axial test fixture and test automation software enabling the testing of all three of the standard shielding effectiveness test parameters required for data cables. Utilising the CATS-3000 test solution, combined with a suitable vector network analyser, cable producers and test laboratories can quickly and efficiently perform shielding effectiveness tests. In addition to the 3S-PCX and CATS-3000 systems, DCM representatives will be available during the show to discuss the following solutions for cable production applications: • 3SXLD – comprehensive LAN cable testing solution for Cat 5e, Cat 6, Cat 6a, and Cat 7 cables • ES-2G – efficient compliance testing of high-performance, individually shielded, twisted-pair (Cat 7 ISTP, S/STP) cables • SCS-350B – cost-effective compliance testing of high-performance LAN cable and cable assemblies (patch cords) • RF/COAX – fully integrated test system for high-performance coaxial cables • LF-2000 – twisted pair cable testing solution for analysing capacitance and resistance LCR • TCL/TCTL – LAN cable testing solution to test Transverse Conversion Loss (CAT 6a) DCM Industries – USA Website : www.dcmindustries.com test The feature-rich 3S-PCX includes
EuroWire – July 2012
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