EoW July 2012
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Superconducting fault limiter passes test
believed to be the longest withstand time reported worldwide with HTS coated conductors. The results validated the performance parameters predicted by computer models, thus enabling extrapolation to other grid topologies and requirements. Bruker Energy – Germany Website : www.bruker-est.com CTC contract for HVDC project CTC Marine Projects, part of DeepOcean Group Holding AS, has been awarded a contract for Dolwin 1, a high-voltage cabling project off the German coast to link offshore wind projects to the grid. The contract for EMAS AMC, will include the trenching of 62.34km of bundled HVDC power cable from a 14m water depth and trenching of a power cable.
Bruker Energy & Supercon Technologies (BEST) and Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH have announced the successful completion of another step in the development of a shielded, inductive superconducting fault current limiter (iSFCL), which is to begin field test operations in the Stadtwerke Augsburg (Germany) grid in 2013. Testing of a subscale device under expected operating conditions was performed at the Institute for High-Voltage Engineering and Electrical Energy Systems of the University of Braunschweig, a leading German research institute in the field of high voltage and power systems engineering. This device implements the concept to be used in the full-size iSFCL system and utilises BEST’s 40mm-wide second generation (2G) high temperature superconductors (HTS), specifically designed for application in fault current limiters. During the tests in Braunschweig, the device functioned as predicted in more than 100 triggered short-circuits. Due to the novel design of the superconducting modules, the system withstood fault durations of up to 500 milliseconds,
CTCMarine Projects – Norway Website : www.deepocean.no
EuroWire – July 2012
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