EoW July 2010
dates for your diary . . .
wire China 2010
November2010 7–10: 59 th IWCS – technicalconference– Providence,Rhode Island,USA
September2010 21–24: wireChina2010 – tradeexhibition–Shanghai,China Organisers : MesseDüsseldorfChina Fax :+862150278138 Email :wire@mdc.com.cn Website :www.wirechina.net
Organisers : IWCS Inc Fax :+17323890991 Email :admin@iwcs.org Website :www.iwcs.org
18–20: Wire&Cable India – tradeexhibition–Mumbai, India Organisers :CII Fax :+912224939463 Email : info@ciionline.org Website :http://cii.in 2011 May2011 3–5: Interwire – tradeexhibition– Atlanta,Georgia,USA Organisers :WireAssociation International (WAI) Fax :+12034538384 Email : info@wirenet.org Website :www.wirenet.org 23–26: wireRussia2011 – tradeexhibition– Moscow,Russia Organisers : MesseDüsseldorfGmbH Fax :+4921145607740 Email : info@wire-russia.com Website :www.wire-russia.com June2011 19–23: JICABLE – conferenceand trade exhibition–Versailles,France Organisers :SEE Email : jicable@see.assoc.fr Website : www.jicable.org September2011 13–15: wireSoutheastAsia – tradeexhibition–BITEC, Bangkok,Thailand Organisers : MesseDüsseldorfAsiaPteLtd Email :wire@mda.com.sg Website : www.wire-southeastasia.com
The international magazine for the wire and cable industries – 6 languages in 1 magazine!
2012 March2012
26–30: wire/TubeDüsseldorf – tradeexhibition–Düsseldorf, Germany Organisers :MesseDüsseldorf Fax :+492114560668 Email :wire@messe-duesseldorf.de Website :www.wire.de
Photocopyright:BigStockPhoto.com‘OrientalPearlTower,Shanghai’ Photographer:bspguy
■ News, Events, Innovations, Technical Know-how
■ Read by over 18,220 technologists in 89 countries
■ A constant connection to wire & cable markets
Visitornumbersmayhavebeendown,butexhibitors reported livelyactivityandkeen interest ▲
Exhibitorshappywith wireDüsseldorf activity
■ Keeping you ‘up-to-date’ with every issue
new, young faces trying to soak it all in and take away the best ideas to further their respective companies. I rate the show a huge success.” Visitors gave “very good” to “good” ratings for the events. Five trade fair days saw a total of 69,200 trade visitors come to the exhibitionhalls.Theproportionof international trade fairvisitors is traditionally high.wirewas attended by 35,000 trade visitors from70countries,63%ofwhichwere fromabroad. Themajority of wire visitors came from the United Kingdom, France, USA, Italy, India, the Netherlands, Spain, Brazil, Turkey, Austria,Switzerland,BelgiumandPoland.
Reports from Tube/wire Düsseldorf confirm a busy and optimistic show attracting international interest. Atwire, 1,219 enterprises from52countriesfilled52,000m 2 ofexhibition space, corresponding toa7.3% rise inexhibitornumbers. “Wire is going well and customer interest is high. Almost everyone feels that business is picking up,” was the view of Benedikt Niemeyer, CEO of Schmolz + Bickenbach, a global player in the steel sector. HowardFancher,ofHuestisMachineCorporation,sensed interest and excitement for the future. “The wire Düsseldorf show was fresh and excitingwith people focused on new technology and getting thebestbang for theircapital spendingdollars. “I am told that the [visitor] numberswere lower than previous shows, but you could not prove it by me. Our booth was swamped each day with eager customers looking to find equipment that is new and innovating, aswell as giving them what they need to be successful in their business. I sawmany
■ Discounts for 2 and 3 years subscription *
wire2012willbeheld from26 th to30 th March2012.
MesseDüsseldorfGmbH–Germany Fax :+492114560668 Email :wire@messe-duesseldorf.de Website :www.wire.de
EuroWire– July2010
Spools, reels & pre-packaging systems N o one with responsibility for handling wire and cable will underestimate the importance of the equipment under review here. An expertly executed spooling, reeling or other packaging operation does notmerely complement a awless production run, it is an essential element of the deliverysystem thatultimately results inasatis edcustomer. Whatmightbeunderestimated is thenumberandvarietyofdesignsnecessary if the right spoolor reel is tobe selectedandemployed,every time.Should itbeofwood,metal,plasticor composite?Which isbest foraccurate winding fromhigh-speedmachinery?Forusewitha coilhandler?A strander?For tyre cord;hosewire;annealed product? For ne wire; welding wire; bare wire; ground wire? Should it be rigid or collapsible? Reusable or returnable? Isacorrugatedspooldesignworth themoney? Acasualoruninformedchoicecanbedamaging–notonly to thewireandcablebeing readied for transport,but also to a company’s bottom line.The products and services appearing in this section are intended to aidwise decision-making.
*from only $175 / Euro 126 per year
A publication of
Subscribe at www.read-eurowire.com email: Liz@intras.co.uk Tel: +44 1926 334137
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