EoW July 2010
technology news
Comprehensive range of wire equipment
Sheng Chyean has established many cold processing lines in the domestic and international market, including Germany, USA, China, Russia, India, Turkey and the Middle East. Following a policy of continuous development, Sheng Chyean is involved with ferrous and non-ferrous metal fabrication, and can meet the individual needs of national and international customers. The company uses high quality parts and materials, and machines are designed with higher tolerances for improved machine durability. Faster processor units and software are employed to ensure the machine’s ease of use.
Sheng Chyean products include: Drawing line • Combined drawing machine • Chain type draw bench • Flat rolling mill machine • Peeling machine • Chamfering machine • Straightening machine • Shot blasting machine • Swaging machine • Pointing machine • Auto straightening machine •
Polishing and grinding machine • Portable hydraulic electric steel bar cutter and bender • Sheng Chyean’s combined drawing machines offer all related devices in processing line, for example coil opener, section straightening machine, straightening and polishing or shot blasting unit.
Sheng Chyean combined drawing line ▲ ▲
Sheng Chyean Enterprise Co Ltd – Taiwan Fax : +886 4 7588500 Email : 045@tw-sc.com.tw Website : www.tw-sc.com.tw
Medium voltage cable conducts record current Nexans’ superconductor specialists have concluded the Endesa Supercable project while setting a new world record. In December 2009, the single-phase, medium voltage cable (24kV) carried 3,200A in laboratory conditions, almost 10% more than any installed medium voltage cable worldwide. During ten load cycles of 24 hours the rated current was applied for 8 hours per cycle while the cable was subjected to twice the nominal voltage. The project partners, Nexans, Endesa SA, the Spanish energy provider, and the ICMAB-CSIC Institute for Materials Sciences (Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) – plan an installation in a power grid as the next step. Nexans – France Email : nexans.web@nexans.com Website : www.nexans.com
EuroWire – July 2010
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