EoW July 2010
New president for FTTH
3 rd Wire Industry Day
Council Europe The MV-Marketing Vertrieb Unternehmensberatung, member of the “netzwerkdraht e.V.”(wire network) association of German wire manufacturers and their suppliers, held its third “Wire Industry Day” (Branchentag Draht) on 6 th May.
Chris Holden has been elected as the next president of the board at the Fibre to the Home Council Europe, becoming the fifth person to hold this position since the Council was founded in 2004. He replaces the outgoing president, Karel Helsen. Since joining the FTTH Council Europe in 2005, Chris has been an extremely active member of several committees. In April 2008 he was elected as chairman of the development and operations committee, and in April 2009 as board member of the FTTH Council Europe. In his farewell message Mr Helsen said: “The FTTH Council Europe can be proud of its achievements to date, with the yearly conference as its flagship event. This conference is now the biggest FTTH conference worldwide and stands in the spotlight of the international media. “I strongly believe that fibre access will boost a whole suite of new services and applications. The strategy of the FTTH Council Europe 2015 reflects this development and I am sure that the council will be very successful in attracting new members from these industries.” FTTH Council Europe – Belgium Fax : +32 2503 2277 Email : info@ftthcouncil.eu Website : www.ftthcouncil.eu
IBA enters exclusive agreement with Dasheng IBA has extended its offering by adding the Dasheng Electron beam accelerators to its portfolio of high current IBA Dynamitron® (formerly called RDI Dynamitron®). As of 1 st April 2010, IBA will be the exclusive distributor of the Dasheng E-beam accelerators outside of China. IBA will also be responsible for providing installation and support services to Dasheng E-beam accelerator customers outside of China. “Not only will this collaboration extend our IBA Dynamitron portfolio but Dasheng will also bring in the collaboration its expertise in cable and heat-shrink products, reel-to-reel under beam systems, irradiation process and related compounds,” said Serge Lamisse, president of IBA Industrial.“Our customers will have access to both product lines. Dasheng E-beam accelerators are mainly targeted for R&D facilities or lower current applications, while the original IBA Dynamitron will focus on high current, high throughput applications,” he explained. Dasheng E-beam accelerators and IBA Dynamitrons are designed for both industrial processing and research applications. Wire and cable insulation crosslinking with electron beam improves cables insulation strength, dura- bility and resistance. Every year, a greater percentage of automotive and aeronautics cables are treated with electron beam processing. IBA Industrial – Belgium Fax : +32 1047 5992 Stefan Szkudlapski, netzwerkdraht secretary and manager of the MV-Marketing Vertrieb Unternehmensberatung, welcomed nearly 60 participants from the wire and wire-related industries. The main topic was how wire manufacturers could increase their competitiveness, reduce costs and synergise their strengths. In his opening conference, Markus Mohaupt, industry analyst of the financial institute Industriekundenbank (IKB), emphasised that worldwide economic development is forced by Asia, particularly China, while the economic recovery from the current global financial crisis is far more moderate in Europe and North America. In order to remain competitive in view of new competition from upcoming nations and increasing raw material and energy costs, wire manufacturers must try to reduce or avoid superfluous costs. Three workshops were held in which options and possibilities were discussed, including the modernisation of existing production equipment with new energy-saving drives. It was suggested that up to 70% of the energy consumption in a factory is used by electrical drives. netzwerkdraht association – Germany Website : www.netzwerk-draht.de Website : www.branchentag-draht.de
Email : industrial.eu@iba-group.com Website : www.iba-industrial.com
EuroWire – July 2010
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