EoW July 2007
testing & measuring
High accuracy from Proton
New all round device for resistance measurement leaves nothing to be desired
Proton Products’ ‘InteliSENS’non-contact laser doppler system for measuring speed and length of cable during manufacture has now been supplied to many cable companies worldwide. ‘InteliSENS’ sensor is mounted on purpose-built consoles above the cable, measuring the cable without any physical contact, and with an accuracy of 0.01-0.02%. The advantages of ‘InteliSENS’ are pronounced: Non-contact: means no wear, tear, no calibration, and no maintenance Accurate and repeatable to better than 0.01-0.02% (UKAS certified) in dynamic cable manufacturing conditions • •
Resistance measurement and Resistomat® are both terms that indispensably belong together. With its new Resistomat® 2316, Burster presents a tough, universal and compact resistance measurement device that suits applications in rough industry surroundings, as well as in fair laboratory conditions. 40 years of knowledge and experience in the field of resistance measurement were put into the development of this measurement device that combines precision, as well as easy handling and system integration. measures resistances in the range of 2,0000mO up to 200,00kO with an accuracy of 0.03%rdg, where the resolution in the smallest range reaches 0.1µO. An especially developed measurement input protec- tion allows the measurement of inductive samples as electric The instrument
Burster provide a tough, universal and compact resistance measurement device ▲
motors and transformers etc, as much as coils with iron core. The measurement of heating elements, fuses, switch and relay contacts or cables and wires are only a few further application fields. Autorange, temperature compensation of the test sample, cable fraction detection and thermovoltage compensation are self-evident. For the integration into fully automatic test stations the instrument features a PLC and RS232/USB interface. Thanks to the large and backlit LCD display, the measuring value can be easily read off from a major distance in dim production halls, as well as in face of direct solar radiation. The simply designed choice of the different measuring parameters is altered via an elaborate operation menu that provides five languages – English, French, Spanish, Italian and German. Burster – Germany Fax : +49 7224 64588 Email : info@burster.de Website : www.burster.com
InteliSENS – supplied to many companies worldwide
A fully 100% electronic system without moving parts the system provids a host of outputs and interfaces including profiBUS, deviceNET, Industrial and IP, and also reduces cable waste by up to 90%.
Proton Products – UK Fax : +44 1494 670808
Email : office@protonproducts.com Website : www.protonproducts.com
EuroWire – July 2007
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