EoW July 2007
wire drawing machinery
Drawing components for any machine Techna International, UK, offers a range of precision components for virtually any wire drawing machine. Draw cones, rings and capstan part numbers can usually be identified from existing drawings and are available for ferrous wires, steel, iron, steel-cord and soft aluminium, as well as for non-ferrous wires.
New range of traverse units from Italy
Eastern Cometo is a leading Italian firm producing equipment for wire and cable drawing. The firm combines the local manufacture of machinery and equipment with the supply of wire and cable drawing machines, offering solutions such as rotating die-holders, wire straighteners, wire guides, traverse units for winding machines, centring machines, cable guides and feeders, which can be equipped with pneumatic or electronic drive.
Techna International’s products are available for a wide range of drawing machines
The company has recently launched a new range of traverse units equipped with electronic drive and used for thin wire and plates winding, which can perform layering without any overlapping or lack of adherence to spool flanges. Cometo exports 40% of its pro- duction to America and Europe, and plans to expand its market to Russia and other countries. An example of Cometo’s range of traverse units ▲
Components are available in various materials and finishes, such as NWS Grade high-alloy special steel, hardened to 64HRc, NWM-74 grade thermally coated (alloyed to the basic material under vacuum), NWM-81/83 Grade having a higher proportion of tungsten carbide, NWK-78 Grade coated oxide-ceramic for fine wire machines and NWZ/A Grade full ceramic (zirconium oxide, aluminium oxide) or ceramic-coated steel compound. Techna International Ltd – UK Fax : +44 1923 219 700 Email : sales@techna.co.uk Website : www.techna.co.uk
Cometo Snc – Italy Fax +39 0341 260927
Email : info@cometo-italy.com Website : www.cometo-italy.com
Italy-based Tecno Impianti Srl is specialised in the supply of wire drawing and cold rolling lines for the construction industry. The smooth or ribbed wire which is taken-up on the spoolers installed at the end of the lines is used in the production of welded mesh and lattice girders. Standard lines are composed of vertical un-coiler with two tilting arms for permitting the welding operation between the coils’ ends without stopping the line, mechanical descaler, lubricant dispenser, vertical or horizontal bullblock and vertical or horizontal spooler. The machines are equipped with variable-speed drives and AC motors. The use of rolling/ profiling cassettes or turk-heads, also permit higher working speeds than drawing dies. Bullblocks can also be equipped with a single-pass or double-pass capstan but lines with three or four passes can also be supplied. The wire can be taken-up on fixed reels if the wire goes directly to the production department or on collapsible reels Serving the construction industry
Used in the production of welded mesh and lattice girders
in case it goes to the stock or it is sold, under form of bound coils. Vertical spoolers can also be supplied with a double reel configuration, for permitting the reduction of down-times
needed for the reel change. Tecno Impianti Srl – Italy Fax : +39 0341 604289
Email : info@tecnoimpianti-italy.com
Website : www.tecnoimpianti-italy.com
EuroWire – July 2007
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