EoW July 2007
english technology news
Demonstration of concentric technologies In February, Setic and Pourtier invited customers to a demonstration of their concentric technologies, with three machines under production conditions as well as their ‘Quali2twist’ principle. The demonstration was attended by cable makers from three continents. The 630 DIN bobbin production capacity of the Concentric Tape Screening Head type TEC 630-95-dc is more than 30 times the one of pad on a tangential taping head. This process is suitable for counter helix or screen application for the manufacture of LV, MV and HV, control and special cables at high production speeds (up to 600 rpm). This head was demonstrated by applying a copper tape (11mm x 0.10mm) on a cable of diameter 8.80mm, with 30mm lay length, at 550rpm. The Concentric Steel Wire Armouring Head model TEC 630-SWA produces SWA cables at speeds up to 500rpm and reaches an extended capacity up to 18km. During the demonstration six wires of 0.9mm diameter were applied around a 12mm diameter cable. The Multiwire Concentric Strander type COS1200-2 allows the optimising of copper consumption and increases the capacity of stranding line for power cables (section 35-500mm² or more). Cables are produced at speeds up to 500rpm (two to three times more productive than a rigid strander). It offers specific advantages:
The TEC630-95-dc Concentric Tape Screening Head from Pourtier ▲
short line length compare to conventional concentric stranding line and driven tension control improving process reliability on the smallest wires. This strander was demonstrated on stranding of seven 1.96mm wires at 500rpm. The ‘Quali2Twist’ stranding machine TA 1000-Q2T, which is dedicated to bare wire strand or sub-strand assembly for very flexible cable, creates single twist quality products (equivalent cable quality and consistency compared with single twist process) with double twist productivity (twice as fast as single
twist process) thanks to the innovative guiding system allowing final lay length at closing die. The demonstration presented stranding of an ultra-flexible strand made of seven sub strands at 1500tpm. Pourtier – Gauder Group – France Fax : +33 1 6426 6110 Email : sales.pourtier@gaudergroup.com Website : www.gaudergroup.com SETIC – Gauder Group – France Fax : +33 4 7771 1085 Email : sales.setic@gaudergroup.com Website : www.gaudergroup.com
You avoid them. Braude wants them! Braude is a specialist manufacturer of non-corrodable heating and cooling equipment for the highly corrosive liquids typically found in plating, anodising and other chemical processing operations. “We are interested in the liquids and conditions other suppliers would avoid; our expertise is in heating aggressive and corrosive solutions that conventional equipment cannot withstand”, said a company spokesman. The company has comprehensive production, assembly and testing facilities, and large raw material and finished goods stocks, enabling orders to be processed quickly and efficiently. A significant proportion of sales are for export. All products are manufactured from high integrity chemically inert fluoropolymers (Teflon™, for example), and have been designed to ensure long life in aggressive solutions. ISO 9001 certification ensures that they are all manufactured to the highest quality standards. Polaris non-corrodable electric immersion tank heaters have been used successfully for many years by the metal finishing industry.
Both Popular and Modular models are easy to install, can be used vertically or horizontally, have high thermal efficiency and feature a safety grounded/earthing system. Braude has extensive experience of the solutions found in electroplating and associated processes and is able to offer sound advice to provide the most effective Polaris heater for a particular application. Heaters are available in ratings from 0.5kW to 18kW and are unaffected by stray currents. For temperature control of solutions Braude manufactures the Thermaster temperature controller which is robustly constructed, simple to operate and install, and has a clear visible display. It uses non-corrodable PT100 probes for reliability and accuracy. The probes are deposit resistant and virtually unbreakable. Also available are the Levelmaster liquid level controller and the Tankmaster dual temperature and level controller.
E Braude (London) Ltd – UK Fax : +44 1252 875281 Email : sales@braude.co.uk
Website : www.braude.co.uk
EuroWire – July 2007
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