EoW July 2007
english technology news
Worldwide representation from Sikora
Sikora, with its headquarters in Bremen, Germany,manufacturesmeasuring, control and test equipment for the wire and cable industry according to the international quality standard DIN ISO 9001. The company also has offices in China, USA, Korea, Ukraine, Russia, Italy and India – as well as more than 30 representatives offering sales and service worldwide. For production lines for LAN and RF, coaxial and telephone cables, automotive and building wires, and optical fibres, different devices of the Inline 2000 series can be delivered. Centerview 2000 offers unique real non- contact 8-point eccentricity measurement plus 4-axis diameter measurement and 8-point ovality calculation by one device, no guiding roll is necessary. The gauge head centres itself automatically and ensures precise measurements. Laser 2000 T offers the most accurate 3-axis measurement of the outer diameter, including minimum and maximum values and ovality with the direction or angle of the variation, in real time. Capacitance 2000 offers capacitance measurement to the highest precision, and all digital analysis of short time capacitance variations, extremely fast updates of measured values and performs bare wire detection as well. Lump 2000 T offers themost reliable 3-axis lump/ neck-down detection. Combined with its unique double sensor technology random imperfections in the surface are detected even at a production line speed of up to 3,000m/min. Spark 2000, available as a UL version for high frequency spark testing, as DC version and BS version, ensure reliable detection of defects in the insulation of wires and cables. X-Ray 2000 for jacketing and sheathing lines stands for reliable measurement of the inner and outer diameter, the wall thickness and eccentricity by X-ray technology. The goal is continuous quality control. Further aspects and of significant importance is to reduce the material over-consumption, the reduction of start- up scrap and a reduction of rejected products, due to lack of quality. One action in this respect is the continuous measurement and control of the relevant data during the extrusion process.
Vast choice from Sikora
For the measurement at MV, HV and EHV extrusion lines Sikora offers the X-Ray 8000, an X-ray based measuring system which determines the wall thickness and eccentricity of the inner semi-conductor, the insulation and the outer semi- conductor of the cable, as well as the outer diameter and the ovality. The X-Ray 8000 is in use in more than 400 Sikora X-Ray installations. The Sixray 8000 is developed for the use on Sioplas lines. The CSS 2 offers continuous purity control of XLPE insulation. The Ecocontrol 2000 is the most advanced processor system and includes the digital and graphical visualisation of the measured values, an automatic control for diameter or wall thickness. In addition statistics, trending functions, data collection and report printouts are provided. A touch screen, combined with an active TFT colour monitor provides an easy- to-use operating environment for the selection of the nominal values and tolerances. For the highest product quality and precision at the same time, Sikora offers the control processor Set Point and the hot/cold module HC 2000. With the Ecocontrol 1000 Sikora is responding to customers’ needs for a ‘slim version’ of the Ecocontrol 2000, which offers the display of measured values, controlling and protocol printing. Remote 2000 is a powerful universal processor- based system suitable for panel mounting or for installation on the gauge head support.
It provides a selectable display of either the average diameter X, Y, Z, or the ovality and allows the setting of tolerances for all of the values. Display 2000 serves as a display unit for the diameter measuring equipment of the Laser 2000 series. It can be connected directly to the gauge head or to the Remote 2000 and the Ecocontrol 1000/ Ecocontrol 2000 as an additional display.
Sikora AG – Germany Fax : +49 421489 0090 Email : sales@sikora.net Website : www.sikora.com Have your say in EuroWire
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EuroWire – July 2007
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