EoW July 2007
english technology news
Q8Oils' 'portable lab' to help companies
Q8Oils, UK, has announced a new initiative for engineering lubricant users. Called ‘Q-Care’, the service offers engineers practical advice, help and solutions on all aspects of lubricants, including health and safety. Phil Davies, UK technical manager explains: “When we talk to engineering firms, we often find they could be getting a lot more from their metalworking fluids and lubes. Sometimes they’re having problems because they are diluting fluids too much – or even not enough. Other firms can often be using more expensive lubes than they need. Mistakes like these are costing them money.” Q-Care’s engineers produce detailed records of each machine and its lubricants, they track trends and provide detailed action plans. These plans form an important health & safety audit record for businesses. The initiative also offers a dedicated business-to-business website containing information on fluids management, health and safety advice and lubricants. The engineers carry what is, in effect, a portable laboratory in their cars. This means that there is no need to wait while samples are taken off-site and analysed – the Q-Care engineer can do this on-site. Q-care is designed to be a complete support package for the metalworking
Q-Care engineers carry portable analysis equipment, enabling reports to be completed on-site ▲
and engineering sector and is supported by Q8Oils’ team of specialist engineers covering the UK. All are qualified and have undergone a comprehensive Q8Oils training in lubricants, their uses and how to fix the problems that can arise from them. Q-Care also offers managers the chance to have their machine operators trained in the correct use of fluids, again providing a vital HSE record.
Mike Phillips, technical sales manager, said: “Q-Care offers a whole suite of certificated training packages – training is one of the most effective ways to make sure firms are using lubricants correctly. “It clears up any ambiguity or uncertainty and sets a standard staff can aim for – and reach.”
Q8Oils – UK Email : marketing@Q8Oils.com Website : www.Q8Oils.co.uk
New annealer to range GER SA, Belgium, a supplier of used machines andplantsworldwide, specialises in second-hand wire and cable making machinery, offering the entire range from rod breakdown to fine wire drawing equipment, non-ferrous as well as ferrous wire. The company has also developed a new continuous resistance annealer. This self-contained annealer – equipped with its own AC drive system – is suitable to be combined with any drawing machine make, and combines state-of- the-art technique with a very reasonable investment cost.
technology at a glance Advances in the ma n u f a c t u r e of non-ferrous metal com- ponents over Setic & Pourtier invited cus-
tomers to a demonstration of their con- centric tech- nologies, with
recent years have been through the replacement of discontinuous and batch production by continuous manufacturing processes.
machines under production conditions as well as their ‘Quali2twist’ principle.
The safety criteria imposed by present
AtomKablo – one of the leading electric cable
standards make machines even more difficult to manage - EFAF make life simple!
manufacturers and exporters in Turkey, focus on armoured steel wire (SWA).
GER SA – Belgium Fax : +32 8726 0201 Email : ger@skynet.be Website : www.ger.be
EuroWire – July 2007
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