EoW July 2007
english corporate news
Newmachines on the way
Cortinovis Machinery SpA – now part of the Eurolls Group – is proposing a wide range of new and patent machines, especially designed to improve prod- uctivity and reduce production costs. Most important of these are the central tubular strander for conductor production, and the high production conotorsion machine which makes armouring, screening, laying-up of control cables and low voltage cables. Additionally, Cortinovis is still producing traditional updated machinery and lines like rigid strander, drum twister for milliken, lines for screening and armouring with the most advanced solutions, SZ lines, pairing and quadding machines, tandem group twinner lines, zero-twist lines for LAN cables, planetary for OPGW, tubular and bow stranders, planetary stranders and closers, pay-off and take-up stands, taping and binding heads. Cortinovis Machinery SpA – Italy Fax : +39 0353 12523 Email : cortinovis@cortinovismachinery.com Website : www.cortinovismachinery.com
Newmachines will improve productivity and reduce production costs ▲
EuroWire – July 2007
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