EoW July 2007
english corporate news
Awards to assist in the development of ‘Smart’materials
UK industry through a consortium comprising the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) and NAMTEC. For applications to be successful, Smart ideas must address a problem being experienced by a UK business, and a relevant solution provider must be available. If either of these factors is missing, the organisation can join SMART.mat free of charge for more information. Each award must be matched by an equal investment of cash, manpower and/or materials from the organisation(s) applying for the award. Applicants must be industrial organisations, and both applicant and research/solution provider must be a member of SMART.mat. Applications must be submitted by May 2008.
NAMTEC (the National Metals Technology Centre), UK, is looking to help UK manufacturers access awards of up to £5,000 for the development of ‘Smart’ materials that sense and adapt to stimulus in the environment. NAMTEC is part of a consortium that is promoting the investment into research and development for these type of materials, surfaces and structures. Mr Iain Fielden, technical specialist at NAMTEC, explained “This is a major area of materials development, and there is funding available to stimulate wealth creation and economic growth relating to smart materials. “Our role is to provide expertise in this area, assist with completion of application forms and putting organisations in touch with third parties who can help with onward research and development.” The growth of Smart technology in the UK is being encouraged by SMART.mat, which is part of the UK Materials Knowledge Transfer funded by the DTI that brings together research and
NAMTEC – UK Fax : +44 1709 724 999 Email : info@namtec.co.uk Website : www.namtec.co.uk
SMART.mat – UK Fax : +44 1782 221 722
Email : david.arthur@iom3.org Website : www.smartmat.org
A car door panel, from concept through design to finished article, developed using Smart funding ▲
€10m contract for Nexans Nexans has been awarded a contract worth approximately €10m to supply medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) power cables and instrumentation cables for the Yemen LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) terminal project. This project is being commissioned on behalf of Yemen LNG Ltd (YLNG) by YEMGAS FZCO. YEMGAS is a joint venture between energy construction and engineering group Technip, JGC (Japan Gas Corporation) and American company KBR, a leader in the design and construction of major LNG production plants. Nexans will be the sole cable supplier for the Yemen LNG terminal project, and will provide approximately 1,100km of medium voltage and low voltage power, instrumentation and fibre optic cables armoured with steel tapes. These cables will be used to carry power, data and telecom- munications throughout the terminal. They will also be used in control and instrumentation applications. The new plant will be located at the Arabian Gulf port of Balhaf on the southern coast of Yemen. The cables will be manufactured by Nexans plants in Belgium and France, and installation is scheduled for completion by mid-2007. The LNG terminal should be ready for the end of 2008. Nexans Deutschland Industries GmbH & Co KG – Germany Fax : +49 511 676 3777 Email : info@nexans.com Website : www.nexans.de
l Heavy plate mill for China
Minmetals Yingkou Medium Plate, China, has placed an order with SMS Demag, Germany, for the construction of a heavy-plate mill, including the pertaining electrical and automation systems. The new works will be built in Yingkou in the Liaoning Province in North Eastern China. The annual capacity of the plant will initially be 2 million tons which can be expanded to 2.3 million tons. The focus of production is on pipe grades, shipbuilding plates, high-strength structural plates, as well as plates for the construction of pressure vessels and boilers. For the new heavy plate mill, SMS Demag will supply the mechanical equipment, electrical and automation systems for the entire process line with roughing and finishing stands, plate cooling system, hot plate leveller, cooling and inspection beds, shear line and finishing line, including the cold plate leveller. Commissioning of the plant is scheduled for autumn 2009. Minmetals Yingkou Medium Plate Co Ltd is part of China Minmetals Corporation, one of the most important trading companies for steel and non-ferrous metals in China. SMS Demag – Germany Fax : +49 211 881 4386
Email : info@sms-group.com Website : www.sms-group.com
EuroWire – July 2007
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