EoW July 2007
english corporate news
New chief technology officer for NAMTEC
SMS Meer’s rolling machine
The National Metals Technology Centre (NAMTEC), UK, has appointed Dr Stephen Court as chief technology officer. Dr Court will play a key role in the strategic development of NAMTEC as a provider of technical services to the UK’s metals and manufacturing sector. His responsibilities will include the leadership of NAMTEC’s technical staff and ensuring the organisation delivers the highest quality in the technical services it provides. NAMTEC’s chief executive Mr Alan Partridge said: “Stephen’s knowledge and expertise will be valuable in developing our collaborative research with universities and the metals sector. We are involved with many important projects that are designed to increase the competitiveness of local metals and manufacturing companies and we expect Stephen will play a key role in achieving this.” With over 20 years’ experience of working in research and development, Dr Court’s career includes 18 years in the technical department of aluminium producer Alcan, and for the past two years as laboratory director at the R&D centre of
The trading organisation of the Russian republic of Mordovia, JSC Siajar, with a head office in Saransk, has placed an order with SMS Meer, Germany, to supply an AGW 200 E Axial closed-die rolling machine. The machine will be used at a forging shop still to be decided in the region around Volga and Don to produce near-net-shape blanks, such as welding flanges, spur gears for gearbox construction and axially splined discs. The materials to be rolled are predominantly general structural steels, but one acid-resistant steel material – from which the welding flanges are made – and aluminium alloys are also to be formed. Delivery of the AGW is scheduled for July 2008.
Alcan’s sister company Novelis, and as Novelis Inc’s chief scientist. NAMTEC – UK Fax : +44 1709 724 999 Email : info@namtec.co.uk Website : www.namtec.co.uk Dr Stephen Court is NAMTEC’s new chief technology officer ▲
SMS Meer – Germany Fax : +49 211 881 4386
Email : info@sms-group.com Website : www.sms-group.com
EuroWire – July 2007
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