EoW July 2007
on the wire
Write to: The Editor, ‘Word on the Wire’, EuroWire, 46 Holly Walk, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. CV32 4HY. UK
Join the UK pavilion in Indonesia
Check the small print clearly Dear Sir
Dear Sir
I am writing to invite your readers to join Machine Tool Indonesia – Indonesia’s largest machine tool, precision engineering and metalworking technology exhibition. The Department of Trade and Industry and the Engineering Industries Association have again selected Machine Tool Indonesia to host an official, subsidised pavilion for UK exporters. The exhibition will be held at the Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran, between 5 th and 8 th December 2007. Part of the Manufacturing Indonesia series, this exhibition has ‘sold out’ every year since 2002, and is acknowledged as one of the most important industrial events in South East Asia. The 2006 edition attracted 1,254 exhibiting companies from 35 countries and provided 26,096 audited business visitors with direct access to all of Indonesia’s key industrial sectors. This year, a brand new hall at the Jakarta International Expo will allow Machine Tool Indonesia 2007 to grow even further in both size and stature. The purpose- built facilities have allowed organisers, PT Pamerindo Buana Abadi (a member of Allworld Exhibitions), to lower the cost of exhibiting by more than 17%.
Firstly, many thanks for issuing our warning to members about Austrian company Construct Data Verlag, operating as FAIRGuide. The feedback we received from members was encouraging. We would, however, like to bring to members’ attention a similar letter and form being issued for the Euro Business Guide. It follows a similar format whereby updating your listing is free of charge but if you sign the document you are liable for €965 per year for three years. The Euro Business Guide, with a postal address in Utrecht, the Netherlands, does state you will be charged if you sign the document, although the signature space at the bottom of the page does entice you to complete. Businesses need to be on their guard continuously to avoid incurring unwelcome costs from unsolicited mailings, whether received by post or email. It is our duty to make sure that our members are fully aware that they might be targeted. Phillip Knight, International Wire and Machinery Association (IWMA), 46 Holly Walk, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, UK
For details on the official UK pavilion and the subsidies available, please contact me.
Andrew Todd, Machine Tool Events, Westminster Tower, 3 Albert Embankment, Lambeth. London. SE1 7SP. UK
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EuroWire – July 2007
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