EoW July 2007
The International Magazine for the Wire and Cable Industries
Being brave and bold Change is a brave and bold thing. And change for the right reason is to be applauded. Please, in this case, be upstanding for theWire Association International – organisers of Interwire 2007. As an Interwire virgin I formed my own opinion of the proceedings. I did, however, take on- board the views of other, more experienced visitors I came into contact with during four days of trekking around the International Exhibition Centre in Cleveland, Ohio, in May. Inevitably there were some disgruntled undertones: those who were not happy with the move away from Atlanta, people who said that numbers – and consequently inquiries – were down. However, the majority of people I spoke to were full of praise for the organisation, facilities and the show overall. The proof, they say, is in the pudding. A 14% rise in the number of visitors is a sure-fire indicator that in two years time the show’s popularity will have grown even further. One exhibitor even toldme it was the best show for concrete inquiries they had ever attended! I single out the organisers, not only for the show they staged a few miles from the city centre, but also for instilling a ‘community’ feel to the whole event. That’s no mean feat when popular meeting places such as hotels, restaurants and bars are spread across a large area. The ‘sideshows’ of golf, 5k run and a host of other popular and enlightening events, all played a part in creating that feeling, and bringing it all together was the WAI and a sometimes-stressful looking Steve Fetteroll. He can, at least, be assured that his efforts were well worth it. I also have a thank you to make to three gentlemen who helped guide me round the charity golf tournament on the first Sunday. Whether it was my jet lag (good excuse) or just my inability to master even the basics of this fine sport, I don’t know. But thank you to Ray Martin (AMS Specialty Steel), Doug Thornton (Sanxin Wire Die) and Rene Mayer (Mossberg
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Reel) for at least trying to coax the best out of me without resorting to violence and hitting me with the nine iron!
US copies only : EuroWire (ISSN No: 1463-2438) is published bi-monthly by INTRAS Ltd and distributed in the US by DSW, 75 Aberdeen Road, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437. Periodicals postage paid at Emigsville, PA. Postmaster : send address changes to EuroWire, PO Box 437, Emigsville PA 17318-0437 www.read-eurowire.com © 2007 Intras Ltd, UK ISSN 1463-2438
David Bell
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Technical Articles 96 English Technical Article
Performance of bi-metallic braid wire in electronic cable shielding By Randall D Stevens, CommScope Inc, North Carolina, USA
99 Deutsch
Technischer Artikel Leistungen von bimetallischen Litzen bei der Abschirmung elektronischer Kabel Von Randall D Stevens, CommScope Inc, North Carolina, USA
102 Содержание
Техническая статья Характеристики
биметаллических плетеных проводов, используемых для экранирования электронных кабелей Рэндалл Д. Стивенс, компания «КоммСкоуп инк» (шт. Северная Каролина, США)
106 Français
Article Technique Performances du fil tressé bimétallique dans le blindage des
câbles électroniques Par Randall D Stevens, CommScope Inc, Caroline du Nord, États-Unis
109 Italiano
Articolo Tecnico Prestazioni della treccia bimetallica nella schermatura dei cavi elettronici A cura di Randall D Stevens, CommScope Inc, Carolina del Nord, Stati Uniti Artículo Técnico Prestaciones del alambre trenzado bimetálico en el apantallado de cable electrónico Por Randall D Stevens, CommScope Inc, Carolina del Norte, Estados Unidos
112 Español
Содержание на русском языке 31 Корпоративные новости 68 Новинки техники 102 Перечень рекламодателей
Deutsch Inhalt 29
Nachrichten über Gesellschaften
66 99
EuroWire – July 2007
Subscribe Now! See our subscription offer on page 88 In The Next Issue Show issue for wire Southeast Asia 2007
8 Letters
9 Corporate News
40 Transatlantic Cable
44 Technology News
76 Feature 1:
Wire drawing machinery
Features On Dies & die shops
• •
82 Feature 2:
Testing & measuring technology & equipment
Sheathing, insulating, covering, marking & printing of wires & cables
89 Feature 3:
Automated wire production
GettingTechnical Advanced mechanical protection using polymeric armour
115 Editorial Index
116 Advertisers’ Index
Français Sommaire 33
Italiano Indice 35
Español Indice 38
Nouvelles des Entreprises Technologie et Equipements
Notiziario dell’Industria
Noticiario de la Industria
Tecnologia e Innovazioni 109 Indice degli Inserzionisti
Tecnología e Innovaciones 112 Indice de Anunciadores
106 Index des Annonceurs
EuroWire – July 2007
on the wire
Write to: The Editor, ‘Word on the Wire’, EuroWire, 46 Holly Walk, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. CV32 4HY. UK
Join the UK pavilion in Indonesia
Check the small print clearly Dear Sir
Dear Sir
I am writing to invite your readers to join Machine Tool Indonesia – Indonesia’s largest machine tool, precision engineering and metalworking technology exhibition. The Department of Trade and Industry and the Engineering Industries Association have again selected Machine Tool Indonesia to host an official, subsidised pavilion for UK exporters. The exhibition will be held at the Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran, between 5 th and 8 th December 2007. Part of the Manufacturing Indonesia series, this exhibition has ‘sold out’ every year since 2002, and is acknowledged as one of the most important industrial events in South East Asia. The 2006 edition attracted 1,254 exhibiting companies from 35 countries and provided 26,096 audited business visitors with direct access to all of Indonesia’s key industrial sectors. This year, a brand new hall at the Jakarta International Expo will allow Machine Tool Indonesia 2007 to grow even further in both size and stature. The purpose- built facilities have allowed organisers, PT Pamerindo Buana Abadi (a member of Allworld Exhibitions), to lower the cost of exhibiting by more than 17%.
Firstly, many thanks for issuing our warning to members about Austrian company Construct Data Verlag, operating as FAIRGuide. The feedback we received from members was encouraging. We would, however, like to bring to members’ attention a similar letter and form being issued for the Euro Business Guide. It follows a similar format whereby updating your listing is free of charge but if you sign the document you are liable for €965 per year for three years. The Euro Business Guide, with a postal address in Utrecht, the Netherlands, does state you will be charged if you sign the document, although the signature space at the bottom of the page does entice you to complete. Businesses need to be on their guard continuously to avoid incurring unwelcome costs from unsolicited mailings, whether received by post or email. It is our duty to make sure that our members are fully aware that they might be targeted. Phillip Knight, International Wire and Machinery Association (IWMA), 46 Holly Walk, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, UK
For details on the official UK pavilion and the subsidies available, please contact me.
Andrew Todd, Machine Tool Events, Westminster Tower, 3 Albert Embankment, Lambeth. London. SE1 7SP. UK
Have your say here . . . Want to get something off your chest, or simply to get your point across? Word on the Wire – EuroWire’s letters page – gives you the ideal platform to do just that! Letters submitted to the Editor should be written in English, and should be concise (around a maximum of 250 words). All letters must include the sender’s name and address. If you wish to remain anonymous please state this clearly on the letter. The Editor reserves the right to amend and withhold letters. Please send your letters to the address at the top of the page or via email to david@intras.co.uk
EuroWire – July 2007
english corporate news
Interwire celebrates with rise in numbers
The venue may have changed but a rise in exhibitor numbers crowned Interwire 2007 at Cleveland, Ohio’s, International Exposition Center in the USA in May. The Wire Association International’s flagship trade event saw a 14% rise in visitors to some 5,916 during the four days. Running alongside was the International Fastener Exposition, organised by the International Faster Machinery and Suppliers Association (IFMSA). The combined show gave participants access to 550 exhibiting companies covering 15,000m 2 of space in the hall. The WAI’s 77 th annual convention activities ran concurrently during the show dates. Notable additions to the format were the ‘Wire in Motion’celebration onWednesday, created for exhibitors and their customers; and the practical production solution series that debuted on Tuesday and was repeated throughout the week. Other convention activities included a two-day fundamentals of wire manufacturing short course; a sold-out Charter Steel facility tour; a two-day technical paper programme with 35 presentations; a golf tournament; a 5k run for charity, and an opening reception that was attended by 1,300 visitors. Two years’ worth of planning went into the event necessitating logistical changes
Bending at its best . . . as staff at Pave Automation give a display of their machines’ capabilities ▲
that hadn’t been addressed since the inception of the show in 1981. WAI’s Executive Director, Steven Fetteroll, said: “Producing the 2007 Interwire and IFE trade exhibitions was much like commissioning capital equipment. There were thousands of man hours and many terrific ideas that went into the design, development, and testing stages. “It was exciting to see the project come to life and rewarding to the many volunteers to see the results of their efforts. And like most newly commissioned equipment, enhancements and adjustments are
already in the pipeline for the next show.”
corporate at a glance Wire Association International – USA Fax : +1 203 453 8384 Email : info@wirenet.org Website : www.wirenet.org More than 90% of available space has already been booked for this year’s wire Southeast ASIA and Tube Southeast Asia in Bangkok from 16 th -18 th October. Staged at the city’s BITEC centre, the relocation of this event to Thailand from Singapore has met with worldwide approval. Interwire received supporting sponsorship from the American Wire Producers Association (AWPA), the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) and the Wire & Cable Industry Suppliers Association (WCISA). Interwire, a biennial event, will be hosted once again at the I-X Center, 2 nd -7 th May 2009. See inside for full story and the September show issue for details.
The EuroWire magazine stand at Interwire
EuroWire – July 2007
english corporate news
Cables 2007 discusses current issues The 7 th Applied Market Information (AMI) international conference on cables was hailed a big success. The event, at the MaritimHotel in Cologne, Germany, heard Kerry Satterthwaite (AMI) give an excellent overview of the European cable industry. Around 2% of the plastics processors in Europe are cable producers and polymer consumption varies in different geographic regions, despite EU efforts to harmonise the industry. A primary focus of the conference was the new European Construction Products Directive – wires and cables are now considered building materials. This new legislation classifies cables by their fire safety performance and the testing protocols are still being worked out as described by Terry Journeaux, of Prysmian Cables & Systems. The problem is to develop repeatable and reproducible standards so that accredited laboratories all give the same fire classification for the same cables. There is a lot of cable in modern buildings and as electrical failure is a common cause of ignition, cable fire performance can be critical. David Kiddoo, of AlphaGary, gave a spectacular presentation including live video clips of cable fire testing to different safety standards, from the Steiner Tunnel to the riser cable test. He commented on combustion toxicity, a topic also addressed by Dr Rick Whiteley. Dow Corning has also been carrying out fire testing – on a variety of new compounds under development. Vivien Kilian (Albermarle) examined trends in automotive wire and cable. Materials differ in different global regions and include PVC, or XLPE and PP with flame retardants. The paper examined potential future trends in flame retardants. Elastogran has TPU materials for cable applications – around 50% of use is in automotive applications where the company has worked on flat cable technology for automated installation. PolyOne has examined the hot oil resistance of compounds for applications such as railways, offshore, marine, military and machinery. The key application discussed by Borealis was data cable, a sector driven by the rapid growth in IT and communications systems. The trend is to install as advanced a cable as possible to anticipate demand.
Guests at Cables 2007
l Lightweight l components l exhibition
There are issues with ‘crosstalk’ between cables and this requires the development of new test protocols and standards. New materials for cables were introduced at the conference including metallocene- based elastomers (ExxonMobil), elastomer modified polyphenylene sulphide for high temperature wire coating (Chevron Phillips Chemicals), halogen-free flame retardant compounds (AlphaGary, Arkema and Budenheim), electron beam cured elastomers (Lanxess), coupling agents for halogen-free polyolefins (DuPont de Nemours) and silanes for faster crosslinking of PE (Degussa). Dow Wire & Cable is working on new semi-conductive compounds to speed up production. Herbert Baur talked about the design of bedding compounds, which lie between the insulating compound and the cable sheath. Compatibility is important and factors such as plasticiser migration have been studied as it can have a major effect on long-term performance. Dr Gunter Beyer, of Kabelwerk Eupen, has been working on nanocomposite flame retardants for the cable industry. In his experience, layered double hydroxides have a major synergistic effect with halogen and non-halogen flame retardants. They appear to act by altering the degradation pathway and imparting barrier properties. Cables 2008 is moving to a larger capacity conference hall and has been scheduled for 3 rd -5 th March 2008 in the Maritim Hotel, Cologne, Germany. Cables 2007 – UK Fax : +44 117 311 1534 Email : rm@amiplastics.com Website : www.amiplastics.com
euroLITE – the European specialist trade fair for the design and serial production of lightweight components – goes from strength- to-strength. With the focus firmly on making savings in terms of costs, raw materials and energy, while reducing weight and improving dynamics, euroLITE is highlighting a growth market with a bright future. Staged at the Salzburg Exhibition Centre, Austria, from 26 th -28 th June, euroLITE is seeing an increasing number of exhibitors booking space at Europe’s only dedicated lightweight construction trade fair. In addition to exhibitor information, the organisers H & K Messe GmbH & Co KG and MesseZentrum Salzburg GmbH have arranged an attractive and informative supporting programme. Alongside a specialist lightweight construction forum with practical lectures, this also includes an R&D area with the involvement of the Vienna University of Technology and Leichtbau-Cluster Landshut. H & K Messe GmbH & Co KG – Germany Fax : +49 721 5704 4422 Email : info@hundkmesse.de Website : www.eurolite-expo.eu
EuroWire – July 2007
english corporate news
wire Southeast Asia is close to selling out already
More than 90% of available space has already been booked for this year’s wire Southeast Asia and Tube Southeast Asia in Bangkok from 16 th -18 th October. Staged at the city’s BITEC centre, the relocation of this event to Thailand from Singapore has met with worldwide approval. IWCEA President Dr Horst Birkmann said: “Southeast Asia is still an emerging market and its growth is fuelled by Asia’s incumbent super powers of India and China. “The Southeast Asian economies are free from restrictions and we believe that Bangkok is a good place to gain strong access into the region. As it is, both Thailand and Vietnam have tremendous market potentials and will no doubt have great impact in Southeast Asia.” Machinery Association (IWMA) chairman Peter Large remarked that the last exhibition in Singapore ‘was an unqualified success with a good attendance of quality visitors.’ “However, it was time for a change and the International Wire & Machinery Association was a leading advocate of a move to Bangkok, at the heart of one International Wire &
Move to Bangkok has earned worldwide approval
of the most dynamic economies in the region. “The new location is truly the gateway to other important developing markets like Vietnam as well as Malaysia and Indonesia and the IWMA will have an excellent opportunity to widen its membership appeal,” he added. Exhibitors are also lauding the move to locate the show in Thailand. Commenting on his company’s rationale for exhibiting at wire Southeast ASIA, Brad Scherer, Vice President, International Operations,
at Fort Wayne Wire Die, said: “The GDP growth rate of the southeast Asian region is among the highest in the world and Thailand has historically been at the forefront of this growth, partly because of their regional leadership role in the automotive industry. “Additionally, Bangkok is geographically located in the centre of the region and has been rapidly improving its infrastructure to handle such [major] events. Finally, the wire industry is quite well established in Thailand, with many foreign owned companies having established manu- facturing plants there to serve the local market, complementing the many Thai- owned wire production enterprises that are also present. “ For more information, please visit the respective trade fairs’ websites at www.wire-southeastasia.com and www. tube-southeastasia.com. Messe Düsseldorf Asia Pte Ltd – Singapore Fax : +65 6337 4633 Email : wire@mda.com.sg Website : www.wire-southeastasia.com
Spring manufacturer Lesjöfors has continued its acquisition trail with the purchase of UK business, European Springs and Pressing Ltd. European Springs and Pressing manufactures springs and flat strip components, primarily for the British market. The company, which has 130 employees, has enjoyed high growth and good profitability for a number of years, boasting operations in both London and Cornwall. The acquisition marks the second in six months for Lesjöfors – having recently acquired spring maker Harris Springs – and cements the company’s position as one of the UK’s fastest growing spring manufacturers and supports its overall strategy to grow within Europe through an increased local presence. In the UK, European Springs and Pressing’s customer base will allow Lesjöfors to increase its sales activities through offering its product range, especially gas springs. In turn, European Springs and Pressing will have full access to Lesjöfors companies in Latvia and China, to further strengthen its competitiveness. European Springs and Pressing will continue to be managed by its current owners, as Lesjöfors begins the process of enhancing co-operation between the company and its existing operations in the UK. Lesjöfors AB – Sweden Fax : +46 5421 0810 Email : info@lesjoforsab.com Website : www.lesjoforsab.com l Lesjöfors acquires European Springs and l Pressing Ltd
Messe Düsseldorf China on the move
Messe Düsseldorf China Ltd has moved its Shanghai office to Units 307-308, Tower 1, German Centre for Industry and Trade, Shanghai, 88 Keyuan Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong, Shanghai 201203.
Messe Düsseldorf China Ltd – China Fax : +86 21502 78128
Email : shanghai@mdc.com.cn Website : www.mdc.com.cn
EuroWire – July 2007
english corporate news
New appointment to DSM board The General Meeting of Shareholders of DSM, Netherlands, has appointed Mr Stephan B Tanda as a member of the company’s managing board. Mr Tanda studied mechanical and plastics engineering at the University of Leoben, Austria, and business administration at the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA, and started his career in 1991 with DuPont in Switzerland. In 2000 he became president of Protein Technologies International, Inc, and later president and CEO of The Solae Company, USA, a joint venture between DuPont and Bunge in the area of Lawsuit settled Reelex Packaging Solutions, Inc (formerly Windings Inc), USA, has announced that it has settled its lawsuit against Commodity Cables Inc. Reelex had sued the company over the unauthorised use of its Reelex™ trademark. In the settlement, Commodity Cables acknowledged that it had violated Reelex’s trademark rights, and agreed to pay Reelex for all attorneys fees and costs as well as unspecified additional monetary damages. Commodity also agreed to destroy any inventory containing the trademark, cease unauthorised use of the trademark, and identify the Chinese manufacturer who supplied Commodity with the counterfeit packaging. Tom Copp, president of Reelex, said: “We are pleased to have reached an expedient and amicable resolution to our lawsuit. We feel it is important to take these actions when necessary to protect the interests of our authorised licensees and to help stem the importation of counterfeit, inferior coils that compete unfairly with the genuine Reelex coils produced by our licensees.” Reelex Packaging Solutions Inc – USA Fax : +1 845 878 7884 Tin production down Indonesian production of tin has reduced sharply since last October because of efforts to regulate small-scale mining and smelter operations. Production this year will be 90,000 tons, down from more than 125,000 tons in 2006. Email : sales@reelex.com Website : www.reelex.com
food innovation and food ingredient manufacturing. Since 2004, Mr Tanda has been president and CEO of Freudenberg Nonwovens, Germany and USA. DSM is active worldwide in nutritional and pharma ingredients, performance materials and industrial chemicals. The company’s products are used in a wide range of end markets and applications such as human and animal nutrition and health, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, automotive and transport, coatings, housing, electrics and electronics.
DSM – Netherlands Fax : +31 45 571 9753 Email : info@dsm.com Website : www.dsm.com Stephan Tanda ▲
Lifting Solutions provided steel wire rope for the opening ceremony at the Doha Games ▲
l Lifting Solutions completes its largest ever steel l rope order
Lifting Solutions, UK, has completed a major contract for the 15 th Asian Games in Doha, held recently in the Gulf state of Qatar. The company was the main lifting equipment supplier to Stage One, the main contractor on this aspect of the project, and supplied 65km of dry finish (unlubricated) steel wire rope, with diameters ranging from 5mm to 18mm, plus associated rigging. The steel wire rope supplied by Lifting Solutions enabled Stage One, who had been commissioned to supply all of the aerial engineering and associated automation for the opening and closing ceremonies, to overcome one of its greatest technical challenges. Mr David Nixon of Lifting Solutions, who worked on the order for several months, said, “This is without doubt our biggest ever single order of wire rope, and we’re
over the moon that we have been able to supply another major international games.” Lifting Solutions had previously been involved in the opening and closing ceremonies for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, again as the main supplier of lifting equipment, and also assisted Stage One with specialist provision of lifting equipment for both the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games and the 2006 Turin Winter Olympics. The company also created a supporting structure of steel wire rope to hold up what is believed to be Europe’s largest ever banner, for the IOC London 2012 Evaluation Committee visit to London last February.
Lifting Solutions – UK Fax : +44 1709 899 011
Email : sales@lifting-solutions.co.uk Website : www.lifting-solutions.co.uk
EuroWire – July 2007
english corporate news
New chief technology officer for NAMTEC
SMS Meer’s rolling machine
The National Metals Technology Centre (NAMTEC), UK, has appointed Dr Stephen Court as chief technology officer. Dr Court will play a key role in the strategic development of NAMTEC as a provider of technical services to the UK’s metals and manufacturing sector. His responsibilities will include the leadership of NAMTEC’s technical staff and ensuring the organisation delivers the highest quality in the technical services it provides. NAMTEC’s chief executive Mr Alan Partridge said: “Stephen’s knowledge and expertise will be valuable in developing our collaborative research with universities and the metals sector. We are involved with many important projects that are designed to increase the competitiveness of local metals and manufacturing companies and we expect Stephen will play a key role in achieving this.” With over 20 years’ experience of working in research and development, Dr Court’s career includes 18 years in the technical department of aluminium producer Alcan, and for the past two years as laboratory director at the R&D centre of
The trading organisation of the Russian republic of Mordovia, JSC Siajar, with a head office in Saransk, has placed an order with SMS Meer, Germany, to supply an AGW 200 E Axial closed-die rolling machine. The machine will be used at a forging shop still to be decided in the region around Volga and Don to produce near-net-shape blanks, such as welding flanges, spur gears for gearbox construction and axially splined discs. The materials to be rolled are predominantly general structural steels, but one acid-resistant steel material – from which the welding flanges are made – and aluminium alloys are also to be formed. Delivery of the AGW is scheduled for July 2008.
Alcan’s sister company Novelis, and as Novelis Inc’s chief scientist. NAMTEC – UK Fax : +44 1709 724 999 Email : info@namtec.co.uk Website : www.namtec.co.uk Dr Stephen Court is NAMTEC’s new chief technology officer ▲
SMS Meer – Germany Fax : +49 211 881 4386
Email : info@sms-group.com Website : www.sms-group.com
EuroWire – July 2007
english corporate news
New president Wei-Ming Jiang, currently Senior Vice President Strategic Projects Asia at DSM’s Corporate Planning Department, was appointed President DSM China on 1 st May. He succeeds Stefan Sommer, who will continue his assignment as strategic advisor to DSM’s Managing Board. The appointment of Wei-Ming Jiang underlines the strategic importance DSM attaches to China as an emerging market. “The appointment of Wei-Ming Jiang shows DSM’s ongoing commitment to China and underlines our firm belief that China will contribute significantly to our Vision 2010 ambitions.” Before he joined DSM, Mr Jiang worked for Novozymes for 15 years in several management positions in Asia-Pacific and China. He was actively involved in the development of a biotech-industry platform in China. He also contributed to an increased awareness and implementation of sustainable entrepreneurship in China, amongst other things in his capacity as vice-chairman of the China Business Council for Sustainable Development, a position which he will continue to fulfill as President of DSM China. DSM China Ltd – China Fax : +86 (10) 6530 9282 Email : china.communications@dsm.com Website : www.dsm.com Ironing out problems Korea Telecom has extended its partnership with telecoms software company Ascade by enlarging the carrier cockpit suite to include quality testing capabilities. Ascade test calling solution allows for pro-active testing and verification of quality of service, enabling telecommunication providers to gain competitive advantages and to guarantee prime quality for various types of services, including voice, fax, modem, CLI etc. Ascade AB – Sweden Fax : +46 8545 90427 Email : Sales_EMEA@ascade.com Website : www.ascade.com
Picture courtesy of Elle
Beijing will play host to the China International Exhibition for Cable and Wire (CW China) in October ▲
Heading for Beijing? The China International Exhibition for Cable and Wire (CW China) is being staged in Beijing, China, between 10 th and 12 th October 2007. Hosted by the China Machinery Industry Federation, China Non-ferrous Metals Processing Industry Association and the Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co, CW China is a comprehensive exhibition covering cable and wire production equipment, technology and raw materials. Visitors will be able to meet with suppliers of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products, surface treatment and producers of machinery, plant and equipment, trade and service providers. A further three exhibitions will be held at the same time – the China International Exhibition for Aluminum Industry (AlChina), the China International Exhibition for Copper Industry (CuChina) and the China International Exhibition for Titanium Industry (TiChina). On show will be special equipment for wire and cable, fibre optic and optical cable; wire manufacturing and finishing machinery; raw materials and auxiliary processing materials; measuring, control technology and test equipment; wires, special wires and wire productions; and cable and wire enclosures, wire connectors and connectors. China International Exhibition for Cable andWire – China Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co Ltd Fax : +86 105823 6567 Email : lixiang@chinazhenwei.com.cn Website : www.wirecablechina.com.cn Takeover of cold rolling mill Friedrich Gustav Theis Kaltwalzwerke GmbH, Germany, a leader in cold rolling mills, has continued its expansion in Asia with the takeover of the Cold Rolling Mill (CRM) Sisodra unit of Tata Steel Limited. The expansion is a reaction to the growing demand for the company’s products in the Asian market. CRM Sisodra in Navsari, India, was founded in 1968 as the Metals Division of Ahmedabad Advance Mills Limited. It currently employs more than 300 people, with a focus on narrow, thin, cold rolled steel in medium and high carbon grades. The company will now be called Theis Precision Steel India Private Limited.
Friedrich Gustav Theis Kaltwalzwerke GmbH – Germany Fax : +49 2331 693 270 Email : theis@theis.de
Website : www.theis.de
EuroWire – July 2007
english corporate news
Nexans opens new plant in China
Nexans, France, held a grand opening ceremony on 22 nd March 2007 to mark the official start of production in Nanning, Guangxi Province, China. The new plant, Nexans’ third wholly- owned facility in the country, produces telecommunication and signalling cables for the railway infrastructure market, and represents a major step in improving Nexans’ geographic coverage of China. Initially Nexans Nanning will mainly manufacture copper telecom cables used in switching, transmission and DSL access for fixed and mobile networks, including multi-pair cables for both indoor and outdoor telecom applications. To take advantage of the rapid expansion of conventional tracks and high speed lines in China’s rail network, the new plant will also start offering railway signalling cables (station range access cables, signalling and control cables, axle counter and balise cables). At the opening, Mr Michel Lemaire, executive vice president Asia-Pacific Area, said “We see huge growth in telecom and
The opening ceremony of the Nexans Nanning plant ▲
data cable production as well as system applications in China. “That’s the reason why the Group has not hesitated to invest in order to have local large-capacity production plants in the most strategic locations. The setting up of a new factory in Nanning fits into this business logic.”
Nexans entered the Chinese market in the mid-1980s, and has three wholly-owned plants in China and three sales offices in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong.
Nexans – France Fax : +33 15669 8484 Email : nexans.web@nexans.com Website : www.nexans.com
english corporate news
New Indian factory for Niehoff
Maschinenfabrik Niehoff opened a new plant in India at the beginning of February, representing an investment of US$1.5m. Located in a new industrial development area near Hyderabad and boasting production facilities spanning around 3,500m², the production area includes a manufacturing shop for mechanical components, a warehouse, a paint shop, an assembly area, a test area, and a showroom for machines and assemblies. The need for the building and its modern equipment arose when it became apparent that the manufacturing capacities of Niehoff of India (NoI) – Niehoff’s Indian subsidiary – had to be brought into line with the requirements of the growing Indian market and to be able to further expand NoI’s position as market leader in India.
The new Niehoff of India (NoI) factory
Every year the Niehoff head office also ships goods to the value of some US$1.3m (€1m) direct to Indian customers.
The country is also a strategic location for the future of the Niehoff Group with a view to extending business operations to the surrounding countries, especially the Asian markets. NoI currently employs 43 staff and is expecting sales figures approaching US$ 6.6m (€5m) in the 2006/07 trading year.
Maschinenfabrik Niehoff GmbH & Co KG – Germany
Fax : +49 912297 7155 Email : info@niehoff.de Website : www.niehoff.de
Sale of Lati USA plant Lati USA Inc has completed its North American market reorganisation through the sale of the facility located in Deming Way, Summerville, South Carolina, to the company Force ProtectionTechnologies Inc. Lati USA will continue commercial activity across the North American market, distributing its materials from the plants of its parent company based in northern Italy. The new office will be located in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. The company will focus its sales on high range compounds: special and high performance products. The new strategy provides that the production will be focussed on high performance compounds, which Lati is developing with intrinsically high performance resins, based on PEEK, PPS, PSU, PES, PPSU, PPA and PA12. The special products of the Lati range have particular features thanks to formulations which allow exclusive characteristics, such as antistatic or electrical conductivity (Latistat/Latiohm), electromagnetic shielding (Latishield), thermal conductivity (Laticonther), self-lubricating (Latilub), radio-opacity (Latigray), outstanding surface finish for structural materials (Latigloss), and controlled density (Latimass).
l Borouge plans for growth with new l marketing office in Singapore
Borouge, a provider of plastics solutions in the Middle East, Asia Pacific and Africa, has announced that it is moving its Singapore marketing company headquarters to a prestigious new location in the heart of the city, as of 2 nd April 2007. The opening of the new, larger office reflects the continued growth of the company’s production and sales activities in the region and the Middle East. The marketing company’s annual turnover exceeded US$1 billion in 2006. The high specification office, located in Singapore’s central business district, has an area of 30,000ft 2 – three times the size of the current office – and will eventually house up to 75 employees. The Singapore office provides leadership to its sales offices and distributor network in 18 countries across Asia Pacific and the Middle East, as well as business management, strategic development, human resource, customer service, regional sales for Asia Pacific, technical service and finance support. The location was chosen for its strategic geographic position, excellent infrastructure and strong global trading links. As part of the company’s strategic growth plans, the expansion of the Singapore office will provide the staffing and infrastructure resources required to support additional capacity coming online from Borouge 2, Borouge’s multi-billion dollar expansion project at its production site in Ruwais, in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. This project is set to triple the company’s production capacity of polymers made using Borstar® technology to 2 million tons per annum by 2010. Borouge, through its parent company Borealis, has a history with Singapore which spans 15 years. The company first opened its Singapore headquarters in 1998, in Alexandra Technopark with around 10 staff. Today, the organisation has 55 staff, representing more than 10 nationalities.
Lati USA Inc – USA Fax : +1 843 881 8352 Email : info@us.lati.com Website : www.lati.com
Borouge – Singapore Email : info@borouge.com Website : www.borouge.com
EuroWire – July 2007
english corporate news
Improving safety and speed Allseas Group, a Swiss offshore pipelaying company, has collaborated with DSMDyneema to improve the safety and speed of underwater pipe-laying using next-generation rope technology. The two companies have worked to replace traditional steel wire rope used to adjust pipelay stingers with a new product from BEXCOropes that is made with ultra-strong, lightweight polyethylene Dyneema® fibre. The new rope enables faster, easier and safer operations. Because of the heavy weight of the 150m steel wire rope, Allseas’ crews experienced difficult handling, and higher risk
of damage and injury. Also, corrosion shortened the rope’s useful life. In contrast, the new stinger adjustment rope with Dyneema® is easy to lift, durable, and can help avoid injuries. The high strength-to-weight ratio of Dyneema® polyethylene fibre enables use of thinner ropes that are easier to deploy, recover and store. The rope made with Dyneema® fibre only weighs 9.8kg/metre; steel wire rope of equivalent strength weighs about 65kg/metre.
Allseas Group SA – Switzerland Fax : +41 21948 3599 Email : info@allseas.com Website : www.allseas.com
Xinhua Metal annual report
PERCON ® RoHS Compliant ASTM, AS, EN and Mil-Spec
The annual report of Xinhua Metal Products Co, Ltd, China, issued on 28 th March, stated that the company’s total production was 177,400 tons, and increase of 26.52% compared to last year. Consolidated sales revenue was 1,005 million RMB, an increase of 21.55%, while net profit increased 69.73% to 53.673 million RMB. An announcement about important related party transactions was issued on 2 nd April, specifically a non-open issuing of new stock – not more than 1,310 million shares. The main shareholder, Xinyu Iron and Steel, will buy at least 70% of the new shares, which are not transferable in 36 months with its main assets. The other parties will pay an amount not more than two billion RMB. Their shares will be not transferable in 12 months. The par value of the new shares will be one RMB and the price will not be less than average stock price (code 600782 on the Shanghai Stock Exchange) of 20 days before announcement – not less than 5.373 RMB per share. The final price will be decided based on market situation and negotiating with the underwriter. The cash will be used for five projects, such as investment in manufacturing of wire and cable, including low relaxation pre-stressing steel strand, galvanising wire for pre-stressing, special conductor and oil-tempered spring wire, and the first phase of a 1,580mm sheet steel project, from agglomeration to hot and cold rolling mill. Xinhua Metal Products Co, Ltd – China Fax : +86 790 6460 999
Copper alloy conductors in bare, nickel, silver & tin plated fine & ultra fine wire, bobbins and stranded constructions.
Sint Amandsesteenweg 102 A2 bus3, 2880 Bornem, Belgium Tel: 32 3 744 04 40 • Fax: 32 3 744 04 45 • www.fiskalloy.com
Email : info@xinhuametal.com Website : www.xinhuametal.com
EuroWire – July 2007
english corporate news
Awards to assist in the development of ‘Smart’materials
UK industry through a consortium comprising the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) and NAMTEC. For applications to be successful, Smart ideas must address a problem being experienced by a UK business, and a relevant solution provider must be available. If either of these factors is missing, the organisation can join SMART.mat free of charge for more information. Each award must be matched by an equal investment of cash, manpower and/or materials from the organisation(s) applying for the award. Applicants must be industrial organisations, and both applicant and research/solution provider must be a member of SMART.mat. Applications must be submitted by May 2008.
NAMTEC (the National Metals Technology Centre), UK, is looking to help UK manufacturers access awards of up to £5,000 for the development of ‘Smart’ materials that sense and adapt to stimulus in the environment. NAMTEC is part of a consortium that is promoting the investment into research and development for these type of materials, surfaces and structures. Mr Iain Fielden, technical specialist at NAMTEC, explained “This is a major area of materials development, and there is funding available to stimulate wealth creation and economic growth relating to smart materials. “Our role is to provide expertise in this area, assist with completion of application forms and putting organisations in touch with third parties who can help with onward research and development.” The growth of Smart technology in the UK is being encouraged by SMART.mat, which is part of the UK Materials Knowledge Transfer funded by the DTI that brings together research and
NAMTEC – UK Fax : +44 1709 724 999 Email : info@namtec.co.uk Website : www.namtec.co.uk
SMART.mat – UK Fax : +44 1782 221 722
Email : david.arthur@iom3.org Website : www.smartmat.org
A car door panel, from concept through design to finished article, developed using Smart funding ▲
€10m contract for Nexans Nexans has been awarded a contract worth approximately €10m to supply medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) power cables and instrumentation cables for the Yemen LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) terminal project. This project is being commissioned on behalf of Yemen LNG Ltd (YLNG) by YEMGAS FZCO. YEMGAS is a joint venture between energy construction and engineering group Technip, JGC (Japan Gas Corporation) and American company KBR, a leader in the design and construction of major LNG production plants. Nexans will be the sole cable supplier for the Yemen LNG terminal project, and will provide approximately 1,100km of medium voltage and low voltage power, instrumentation and fibre optic cables armoured with steel tapes. These cables will be used to carry power, data and telecom- munications throughout the terminal. They will also be used in control and instrumentation applications. The new plant will be located at the Arabian Gulf port of Balhaf on the southern coast of Yemen. The cables will be manufactured by Nexans plants in Belgium and France, and installation is scheduled for completion by mid-2007. The LNG terminal should be ready for the end of 2008. Nexans Deutschland Industries GmbH & Co KG – Germany Fax : +49 511 676 3777 Email : info@nexans.com Website : www.nexans.de
l Heavy plate mill for China
Minmetals Yingkou Medium Plate, China, has placed an order with SMS Demag, Germany, for the construction of a heavy-plate mill, including the pertaining electrical and automation systems. The new works will be built in Yingkou in the Liaoning Province in North Eastern China. The annual capacity of the plant will initially be 2 million tons which can be expanded to 2.3 million tons. The focus of production is on pipe grades, shipbuilding plates, high-strength structural plates, as well as plates for the construction of pressure vessels and boilers. For the new heavy plate mill, SMS Demag will supply the mechanical equipment, electrical and automation systems for the entire process line with roughing and finishing stands, plate cooling system, hot plate leveller, cooling and inspection beds, shear line and finishing line, including the cold plate leveller. Commissioning of the plant is scheduled for autumn 2009. Minmetals Yingkou Medium Plate Co Ltd is part of China Minmetals Corporation, one of the most important trading companies for steel and non-ferrous metals in China. SMS Demag – Germany Fax : +49 211 881 4386
Email : info@sms-group.com Website : www.sms-group.com
EuroWire – July 2007
english corporate news
Done deal over J A Kraft Gauder Group and the Continuus-Properzi Company have reached agreement on the transfer of the J A Kraft. Gauder Group takes over the J A Kraft product line from Continuus-Properzi, Wire Machinery Division (WMD), giving Pourtier and SETIC a logical extension of expertise in rotating machines. While Continuus-Properzi Wire Machinery Division will concentrate and focus on high carbon steel wire drawing and stranding lines. The J A Kraft product line consists of skip stranders, tubular stranders and concentric stranders for copper, aluminium and aluminium alloys. made in a continuous aim to promote quality, innovative equipment over a comprehensive product and service range. This agreement has been
Test success for Nexans
projects,” said Greg Yurek, founder and CEO of AMSC. “We have achieved commercial-grade electrical performance with our 344 superconductors, and have proved that our manufacturing methodologies are on the way to achieving cost targets.” This demonstration confirms that 344 superconductors are a drop-in replacement for the first generation HTS wire that has been utilised to manufacture all prototype HTS power cables worldwide over the past 10 years. AMSC expects to initiate volume production of 344 superconductors in December 2007 to meet the expected demand for HTS wire for power cables and other applications. High-capacity superconductor power cables are expected to be used first in cities and metropolitan areas, where demand for electricity continues to grow and is putting pressure on existing power grids. Nexans – France Fax : +33 15669 8484 Email : nexans.web@nexans.com Website : www.nexans.com
The American Superconductor Corpora- tion, a leading energy technologies company, and Nexans, have successfully tested the world’s first power transmission cable made with second generation (2G) high temperature superconductor (HTS) wire. The cable was produced by Nexans using AMSC’s proprietary 2G HTS wire known as ‘344 superconductors.’ The 30m long transmission voltage cable was tested at Nexans’ high- voltage facility in Hannover, Germany. Operated at 138 kV, the cable contained only 33 hair-thin 344 superconductors, yet it demonstrated the capability to transmit 435 MVA of power – enough electricity to power more than 250,000 homes. This rating is approximately 50% higher than conventional cables at the same voltage level. “The demonstration of a power trans- mission cable that utilises AMSC’s proprietary 344 superconductors is an important milestone and paves the way for large-scale, commercial utility
Gauder Group – Belgium Email : gauder@gaudergroup.com Website : www.gaudergroup.com Continuus Properzi SpA – Italy Fax : +39 02 58 310482 Email : info@properzi.it Website : www.properzi.it
EuroWire – July 2007
english corporate news
Newmachines on the way
Cortinovis Machinery SpA – now part of the Eurolls Group – is proposing a wide range of new and patent machines, especially designed to improve prod- uctivity and reduce production costs. Most important of these are the central tubular strander for conductor production, and the high production conotorsion machine which makes armouring, screening, laying-up of control cables and low voltage cables. Additionally, Cortinovis is still producing traditional updated machinery and lines like rigid strander, drum twister for milliken, lines for screening and armouring with the most advanced solutions, SZ lines, pairing and quadding machines, tandem group twinner lines, zero-twist lines for LAN cables, planetary for OPGW, tubular and bow stranders, planetary stranders and closers, pay-off and take-up stands, taping and binding heads. Cortinovis Machinery SpA – Italy Fax : +39 0353 12523 Email : cortinovis@cortinovismachinery.com Website : www.cortinovismachinery.com
Newmachines will improve productivity and reduce production costs ▲
EuroWire – July 2007
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