EoW January 2014
Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity of wishing you all a Happy New Year! As with any business, you always have to keep one eye on the future. That’s why it is especially rewarding covering events like the Scarborough Engineering Week in the UK. The week saw more than 2,700 schoolchildren and students attend the fair, aimed speci cally at giving them an insight into what a career in engineering would deliver. More than 30 organisations took part, making the whole experience a fun and enjoyable one, despite there being a serious message behind it. Representatives from all the organisations involved, as well as from the participating schools and colleges, also attended a gala dinner and building those relationships will ensure the youngsters get a deeper insight into the industry. There is also a raft of new appointments in this issue wth a number of key positions in some major companies from the industry. Whilst on the future, wire 2014 in Düsseldorf, Germany, is also looming very large in the window now. If you’re exhibiting at the show, from 7 th to 11 th April, EuroWire provides you with an ideal platform to showcase your machines and technology to an ever-expanding audience. There is still time to send us your editorial for inclusion in the March issue, free of charge. Simply send your editorial, up to 350 words, and a photograph to david@intras.co.uk by 17 th January to be considered. A number of advertising opportunities also remain and to show your An eye on the future for a new generation
* US$33 purchase only Front cover: Sikora AG See page 104 for further details
E DITOR : ....................................... David Bell F EATURES E DITOR (USA) : .........Dorothy Fabian E DITORIAL ASSISTANT : .................Christian Bradley D ESIGN /P RODUCTION : ................Julie Tomlin P RODUCTION : ..............................Lisa Wright S ALES & M ARKETING : ................Jason Smith ( I NTERNATIONAL ) UK & ROW sales
Giuliana Benedetto Italian speaking sales Hendrike Morriss German speaking sales Linda Li Chinese speaking sales Jeroo Norman Indian sales
A DVERTISEMENT C OORDINATOR : ............................Liz Hughes A CCOUNTS M ANAGER : ................Julie Case S UBSCRIPTIONS : ..........................Liz Hughes P UBLISHER : ..................................Caroline Sullens F OUNDER : ....................................John C Hogg
46 Holly Walk, Leamington Spa Warwickshire CV32 4HY, UK
Tel : +44 1926 334137 Fax : +44 1926 314755
Email : eurowire@intras.co.uk Website : www.intras.co.uk Website : www.read-eurowire.com
A DVERTISING /M ARKETING Intras USA – Doug Zirkle Danbury Corporate Center, 107 Mill Plain Road, Danbury, CT 06811, USA Tel : +1 203 794 0444 Email : doug@intras.co.uk
interest, please email eurowire@intras.co.uk for more details.
US copies only : EUROWIRE (ISSN No: 1463-2483, USPS No: 022-738) is published bi-monthly by Intras Ltd and distributed in the USA by Asendia USA, 17B S Middlesex Ave, Monroe NJ 08831. Periodicals postage paid at New Brunswick, NJ and additional mailing o ces. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Eurowire, 17B S Middlesex Ave, Monroe NJ 08831
www.read-eurowire.com © 2014 Intras Ltd, UK ISSN 1463-2438
David Bell Editor
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January 2014
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