EoW January 2012
▲ ▲ A spool of PV ribbon on Plasmait take-up s
degree of softness with YS (Rp0.2% < 60MPa and elongation > 25%). Good solder coating is necessary to ensure long-term corrosion protection and durable solder joint. PV ribbon also requires camber less than 0.3% and low dimensional tolerances. The quality of wire handling equipment is therefore essential. The PlasmaPREPLATE process has become a popular choice for companies in the PV ribbon industry in Europe, America and Asia. The process has been rapidly adopted by the PV ribbon industry since its introduction in 2007. Its main advantage is in the quality of the finished product. The process allows production of a ribbon with a high degree of softness and tin coat quality with low tolerances. This is only possible with a process that is fully computer controlled and assisted with multiple quality control features. The PlasmaPREPLATE line runs at up to five times the speed of conventional lines whilst performing annealing and cleaning inline with tinning in a single run. Such a high output line requires less manpower to operate than a conventional tinning line. The process performs hot dip tinning without flux and acid re-cleaning, and also uses less energy and space. Plasmait GmbH – Austria Fax : +43 3182 52 4754 Email : info@plasmait.com Website : www.plasmait.com Plasmait UK Fax : +44 161 3740 597 Email : info@plasmait.com Website : www.plasmait.com
Plasma PREPLATE for PV ribbon
processes. Plasmait’s solutions are suitable for use in a wide range of industries from solar photovoltaics, aerospace, welding, precision electronics, to medical and steel descaling. Perhaps the greenest of Plasmait solutions is the PlasmaPREPLATE tinning line, used for production of PV ribbon – a tinned copper ribbon used in virtually every solar panel in the world. Solar ribbon, also called PV ribbon, is soldered directly to a solar cell to conduct electricity generated in the solar cell. PV ribbon is tinned copper ribbon between 1 and 6mm wide, and from 0.08 to 0.5mm thick, with a 10-30 micron thick tin coat. PV ribbon is required to retain a high degree of conductivity throughout the lifetime of a solar panel – typically 20-25 years. Its solder contact with the cell must withstand outdoor weather conditions that mean constant fluctuation of temperature and humidity. PV ribbon therefore commonly requires a high
Plasmait GmbH is an Austrian supplier of plasma based heat and surface treatment machines. The management, under the leadership of Primoz Eiselt, have had a green vision from well before they formed Plasmait: Primoz and Peter Ziger, Plasmait’s technical director, started their plasma annealing project at the Technical University in Graz as part of a dissertation in the 90s. Plasmait was founded in 2003 and today there are over 60 plasma treatment lines installed worldwide, each of them making their contribution for cleaner environment. Plasmait machines have either replaced dirty chemical processes or are saving energy through best energy efficiency in class; in many cases both. Plasma cleaning is a dry surface treatment that can be used as an alternative to many chemical and environment- compromising surface treatments such as acid or alkaline cleaning and deoxidation or fluxing that is used in soldering
EuroWire – January 2012
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