EoW January 2012
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Macchine speciali
▲ ▲ Tratos reeling cable
High speed cranes to feature Tratos reeling cable
to 300m/m. At Muelle Prat operational speeds will be 270m/m. As a result of this sophisticated, reliable design, Konecranes now regularly specifies Tratosflex cable for its ASCs worldwide. The first Muelle Prat berth was expected to commence commercial operations in late 2011/early 2012 after a short period of testing and commissioning of the container handling equipment and the terminal operating system. It is expected to have an annual handling capacity of 1.5mn TEU. Tratosflex is part of a range of Tratos cables to suit all types of reeling applications, whether on drum reeling, festoon or vertical. The cables can supply power, control and signalling functions including fibre optic cables and components. Tratos Ltd – UK Fax : +44 1246 858001
Konecranes cable manufacturer and supplier Tratos a contract to supply medium voltage rubber insulated and sheathed drum reeling cables for its Automated Stacking Cranes (ASC), to be used at the new Muelle Prat container terminal in Spain. Following the takeover of the Muelle Prat container terminal from the Barcelona Port Authority, Terminal Catalunya SA (TERCAT) – a member of the Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH) Group – has started construction of a new 1,000m long quay featuring 18 container stacking blocks with 36 one-over-five ASCs. The ASCs will be supplied by Konecranes each with 450m of Tratosflex cable, which has been specifically designed for high speed reeling. Tratosflex features a unique internal cable design, with the structure tightened against the internal relative movement. This prevents the cable from twisting and leading to possible breakage – extremely dangerous when reeling at speeds up has awarded
Email : sales@tratos.co.uk Website : www.tratos.co.uk
EuroWire – January 2012
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