EoW January 2012
News Corporate
Matthew gets new $10,000 scholarship
New recruits
for Allied AlliedWire and Cable continues to thrive, hiring new account representatives at three of its locations across the US. With more representatives at each location, Allied can now provide better service than ever. Paul Lawruk is the newest account representative at Allied’s Headquarters in Pennsylvania. Allied’s newest location, Las Vegas, welcomes Kristy Ventura. And Ryan Baldinelli is a recent addition to Allied’s New England branch, and to the wire and cable industry. AlliedWire and Cable – USA Fax : +1 800 615 9473
Allied Wire & Cable has announced Matthew Rayner as the first beneficiary of its new company-run scholarship programme. Matthew is the son of Ron Rayner, a warehouse associate at Allied’s headquarters in Collegeville, Pennsylvania, USA since 2008. The scholarship programme, which will run annually, is open to children of full-time AWC employees with at least three years on the job. Students are eligible to apply for the $10,000 scholarship during their senior year of high school, and they must be college or university-bound and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Scholarships are awarded based on both merit and financial need, and are payable over the course of the student’s college career. Matthew Rayner is a freshman at Penn State Abington. To help cover the cost of tuition, he will be awarded a cheque for $2,500. As long as he maintains a 3.0 GPA or higher, he will receive one cheque each year during his four-year college programme, for a scholarship totalling $10,000. Mr Rayner said, “Receiving the Allied Wire Scholarship is a great accomplishment in my academic
▲ ▲ Matthew Rayner is presented with his scholarship cheque
immediate member of the Allied family achieve greatness is very rewarding. We wish Matt the very best and we know he will make us all proud.” Allied Wire & Cable is a family owned and operated wire and cable distributor and value added manufacturer. Allied services many of the largest industries in the country, including the government and the military, as well as the aerospace, automotive and telecommunications industries. The company offers custom- isation services, including cut and strip, printing, dyeing, striping and twisting. AlliedWire & Cable – USA Fax : +1 800 615 9473 Email : info@awcwire.com Website : www.awcwire.com
career. I appreciate Allied Wire giving me opportunity (to be) the first ever recipient of this award, and it is something that I will always appreciate.” Tim Flynn, Allied’s CEO, said, “Allied Wire & Cable has always has taken pride in helping those with needs in our community. The opportunity to help an
Email : info@ awcwire.com Website : www. awcwire.com
EuroWire – January 2012
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