EoW January 2012
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Borealis receives product leadership award
manufacturing XLPE and supplying compounds for HVDC XLPE cables for more than ten years. The Frost & Sullivan Product Leadership award confirms that Borealis maintains its continued focus on innovation to meet market demands.” According to the Frost & Sullivan report, the market has slowly witnessed a shift from traditional mass impregnated paper (MIP) insulation to much more advanced extruded polymeric insulation systems based on XLPE. The main challenge for the market participants has been in adapting the products to be used on conventional cable production lines for HVDC applications. Borealis – United Arab Emirates Fax : +971 263 215 36 Email : info@borealisgroup.com Website : www.borealisgroup.com
performance reliability improvements to HVDC cables. The compound offers a balance between space charge accumulation, conductivity and DC breakdown strength and allows cost effective manufacturing in conventional CV lines. HVDC cables made with LE4253DC/ LE0550DC from Borealis are qualified and meet Cigré recommendations. Marc Hubert, vice president for Borealis Wire & Cable said: “Borealis is the only company with a track record of 45 years of experience in developing and
Borealis was recently awarded the Frost & Sullivan 2011 Europe Product Leadership award in the high voltage direct current (HVDC) cable insulation market during an awards banquet in London. The award is a recognition of Borealis’ accomplishments in the HVDC cable insulation market, where Borealis has played a pioneering role by introducing crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) based insulation compound Borealis Superclean™ LE4253DC. As a result of its high electrical breakdown properties, Superclean™ LE4253DC brings
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EuroWire – January 2012
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