EoW January 2010
technology news
Zero slip rod breakdown
Frigeco’s TA rod breakdown machine ▲ ▲
To prevent dangerous wire yielding, the machine is also supplied with large diameter pulling and idle capstans while a high-pressure lubricant die holder and efficient wire cooling help to achieve high production speeds. The advantages of the TA are said to include: Wire breaks are reduced when pro- • duced wire is re-drawn The machine is adaptable to most • drawing ranges and wire elongations, with inlet diameter from 8mm to 10mm and outlet diameter of 0.8mm to 9mm Reduced energy consumption • The absence of slippage minimises • pulling capstan wear, resulting in low maintenance costs and reduced downtime Low noise, less than 80dBA •
To tackle the demands of lower costs and improved machine performance and finished wire quality, Frigeco (a division of Mario Frigerio) has further developed its TA copper and aluminium rod breakdown machine with zero slip. Conventional slip breakdown machines can cause longitudinal friction – by the wire sliding on the capstan – and axial friction as the wire moves from wrap to wrap on the capstan itself. Frigeco’s TA zero slip rod breakdown machine avoids friction between wire laps and between wire and the capstan. An independent AC motor for each drawing block, with dancer synchronisation of the wire/capstan speed, eliminates the longitudinal slipping problem and avoids longitudinal wire scratches. In each drawing block the wire is wound to a double capstan. The first pulling capstan is motor driven while the second idle capstan is slightly out of centre with respect to the first. The idle capstan prevents side sliding and drafting and so avoids any axial wire scratches.
Unused motors are switched off
Mario Frigerio – Italy Fax : +39 0341 368385
Email : info@mariofrigerio.it Website : www.mariofrigerio.it
Finishing lines contract
Dong Bei Special Steel has given an order to Mair Research for the supply of four bar inspection and conditioning lines to process bars of engineering steels and stainless steel. Two lines will process bars from 13mm up to 40mm diameter and the other two lines will be up to 60mm diameter; the bar lengths will be from 4m up to 12m. The main supply will consist in four 2-rolls straightening machines, Mair RMS2-40 and RMS2-60, four chamfering stations and three shot blasting machines. The contract includes the engineering for the handling system and full automation of the complete line. The delivery of the machine is expected to be in spring 2010 and the lines will come into full operation during summer 2010. Mair Research SpA – Italy Fax : +39 0445 634 409
Email : salesdept@mair-research.com Website : www.mair-research.com
EuroWire – January 2010
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