EoW January 2008
english technology news
Portable control from Klaus Jakob
The measuring technique based on the principals of laser scanners and diffraction for non contact and in-line measuring of diameters and cylindrical objects such as wire, enamelled wire and monofilaments, has been around for some time.
The new LMD HO1B addresses shortcomings
So far however, usually firmly integrated or stationary systems are available. The new hand held portable diameter control unit LMD HO1B addresses this short coming. It is now possible to obtain accurate diameter checks within seconds at virtually any point on or off line with the LMD HO1B. The unit measures cylindrical objects in motion or at 0 speed ranging from 0.03mm to 1.30mm (0.00118" to 0.051") or 0.05mm to 1.8mm (0.00196" to 0.0708") (HO2B). This handy unit with its small dimensions can be utilised wherever small diameters need to be checked. It has proven to be quite useful specifically during the string up process, since the wire can be checked quickly and without effort, between the various drawing steps. This ensures mistakes can be caught early, which otherwise would have led to wire breaks or early die wear. Rapid wire checks before and after annealing will indicate tension respectively, stretching of the wire. Quick and easy diameter checks during the magnet wire production and after each coating process are also possible. The instrument comes equipped with a lithium battery, which provides extensive operating time and a very short recharging process.
Klaus Jakob Messtechnik AG – Germany Fax : +49 06209 721116 Email : info@kjm-ag.de
Website : www.kjm-ag.de
EuroWire – January 2008
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