EoW January 2008
english corporate news
Award-winners! Tenova Goodfellow has been recognised by the Canadian Engineering Community for the process control technology work conducted at the Toyohashi Factory, Topy Industries Ltd, plant in Japan. This project involved the successful transfer of Canadian technology and engineering skills in the International Category. The merits of this project were improved environmental benefits which include a 45% reduction in the use of kerosene, 13% reduction in carbon consumption along with reductions in greenhouse gas emissions (specifically 5% CO, 18% CO 2 and 7% H 2 ). The overall success of this project has provided for a cleaner environment along with an annual cost savings of $1.5M for the client. Radici Group Plastics and Lati Industria Termoplastici SpA have signed a letter of intent to form a 50-50 joint venture to develop the Chinese engineering plastics market. The constant growth of this Asian market offers attractive opportunities for businesses with a strong international presence and a wide range of products. The booming Chinese auto industry, the huge potential arising from the modernisation of the electric power grid and electrical equipment, the growing pool of domestic appliance buyers, the large investments in infrastructure and the increasing hunger for high quality goods are the factors that will have an increasing influence on Chinese growth. Lati SpA is among the world leaders in self-extinguishing compounds for the electrical and household appliance sectors. In the plastics sector, RadiciGroup is a leader in engineering plastics for automotive applications. The joint venture’s headquarters and production base will be in Suzhou, 80km from Shanghai, at the RadiciPlastics Suzhou Co Ltd compounding plant. The joint venture will manufacture and sell a broad range of engineering plastics under their corresponding brand names in the Southeast Asian market — China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, in particular.
The Canadian Consulting Engineers of Canada Awards, launched 39 years ago, are the most important national mark of recognition for projects recently completed by Canadian consulting engineering firms. This award represents the second Award of Excellence in 2007 for project work completed at Toyohashi Factory, Topy Industries Ltd, Japan with the first award being received from the Consulting Engineers of Ontario (CEO) in May 2007. The company has also finalised contract negotiations to apply the Goodfellow EFSOP® process control technology as part of Wheeling-Pittsburgh’s 270 ton Consteel® installation at Steubenville/ Mingo Junction, Ohio, USA. This furnace is unique in the industry due to its capacity to charge hot metal and scrap simultaneously.
The scope of work for the project includes providing process technology and equipment to sample and analyse the off- gas (CO, CO 2 , O 2 and H 2 ) from the electric arc furnace. safety (maximised post combustion plus CO and HH 2 measurements in the off-gas); energy efficiency improvements which will include identifying periods of low energy transfer (energy waste) in the EAF; tracking the efficiency of oxygen injection operations to aid in adjustment of lancing profiles and monitoring carbon recovery to aid in the adjustment of carbon injection profiles. EFSOP® will also be utilised to recognise and track changes in the scrap quality. Tenova Goodfellow Inc – Canada Fax : +1 905 567 3899 Email : goodfellow@ca.tenovagroup.com Website : www.tenovagroup.com Specific benefits include
Joining forces in the Chinese auto market
The production base at Suzhou near Shanghai, China ▲
Radici Partecipazioni SpA – Italy Email : info@radicigroup.com
Fax : +39 035 715477
Website : www.radicigroup.com
New name, same excellent service Scapa has introduced a new cable division – Scapa Cable Solutions.
Under the new name, Scapa will bring together its extensive range of cable wrapping tapes and components, whilst continuing to develop and invest in new products and technologies to add to the current portfolio of cabling solutions.
Scapa UK Limited – UK Email : marketing@scapa.com
Fax : +44 161 3017 445
Website : www.scapacable.com
EuroWire – January 2008
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