EOW May 2014
News Corporate
Hendrix is going green!
Cleaning up after takeover
simply shipping them back to Hendrix for recycling – at no additional cost.
Hendrix Molded Products introduces its cradle-to-cradle recycling programme for the return and recycling of its HPI polyethylene insulators products constructed using two recyclable plastics. Familiar household products that are made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) are items such as milk, juice or water containers, liquid detergent bottles as well as margarine and yogurt cartons. Hendrix has developed polyethylene insulators that not only address the growing concern to minimise the environmental impact, but also as a means of minimising costs to customers as an incentive to do so. Unlike traditional porcelain insulators, Hendrix’s line of HPI insulators are made from high-density polyethylene, a two recyclable plastic that can be reconstructed for reuse when its product life cycle has ended. As part of Hendrix’s new cradle-to-cradle programme, customers are encouraged to dispose of insulators by sending any used HPI products to a local recycler, or by
Schlicht Handelsgesellschaft oHG, Hamburg, has taken over the distribution of its partner DCA, Germany, for dry ice shot blasting instruments. The colour dosing and cleaning systems company can now also deliver cleaning machines for the plastic, rubber and cable industry as well as for other industries for cleaning of: • tools • screws • dies and injection discs • surfaces of any kind • removal of rust on machines, etc The delivery programme involves the small unit for simple cleaning up to large machines for great areas and difficult cleaning of strongly adhesive materials. Schlicht Handelsgesellschaft oHG – Germany Website : www.schlicht-handel.de
The insulators are suited for both bare wire and covered conductors and offer an alternative solution to porcelain insulators, which are susceptible to vandalism and can be problematic when paired with covered overhead conductors. Impervious to impact damage and breakage, the insulators offer longer leakage distance and higher impulse strength. Additionally, every insulator easily withstands ultraviolet rays and offers greater track resistance due to the proprietary high-density polyethylene material. With the ability to resist wear and tear, including chipping, cracking or breaking, Hendrix HPI polyethylene insulators have an increased lifespan. accept any conductor or tie and can be used interchangeably with porcelain insulators. Additionally, the insulators
Hendrix Molded Products – USA Website : www.hendrix-wc.com
May 2014
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