Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e c o m p a n i e s f e a t u r e d i n t h i s s e c t i o n p l e a s e v i s i t
w w w. w i r e - r u s s i a . c o m
EuroWire – May 2007
wire Russia 2007
28-31 May
In the energy sector, Samp has supplied both
conventional and limited-slip rod breakdown
machines for aluminium and aluminium
alloys, equipped with automatic double
spoolers and coilers, as well as insulating lines
for the production of ABCs (aerial bundle
cables) in aluminium and aluminium alloys,
sheathed in XLPE to SIP 1, 2 and 3 standards,
hence the first to use liquid silane technology
in Russia.
Samp has delivered integrated manufacturing
cells for automotive applications, comprising
multi-wire drawing machines, double twist
bunching machines and sheathing lines
with integrated colour-change systems.
When it comes to building wire, it has not
only supplied multi-wire drawing machines
and bunching solutions, but has installed
numerous PVC or halogen-free compound
insulating and sheathing lines for energy
cables, not to mention high-speed sheathing
lines for the production of both flexible and
rigid cables. They have also supplied lines for
physical expansion coaxial cables or sheathing
lines for coaxial and fibre optic cables.
The Sampsistemi organisation will also be
unveiling its own Moscow-based office, run
by an Italian manager and competent team to
provide the necessary support for equipment
on order and after-sales service.
Sampsistemi SpA – Italy
: +39 05135 6750
Booth F17
Paul Schaaf GmbH & Co is a German-based
family company, founded in 1929. Five
different manufacturing units are operated
by SCOB in Germany, Asia as well as north
The SCOB tool programme includes diamond
dies, PCD dies, TC dies, pressure dies, carbide
nibs and inserts for pressure dies, TC and
PCD shaped dies, extrusion tools, enamelling
dies, as well as TC and steel rollers and tools
for the spring and fastener industry.
The SCOB machine programme consists
of more then 30 different types of die re-
working machines to meet the individual
requirements of each customer. Manual, semi-
automatic as well as fully automatic ultrasonic
die re-working machines, wire polishing
machines, TC die re-working machines,
die cleaning equipments and die checking
devices are manufactured and developed.
Combining an extremely modern automatic
and computerised production process with
attention to product control guarantees the
high quality level of SCOB products. Quality
control is assured through the use of the most
up-to-date measuring and testing equipment,
combined with computer-based technology
and evaluation methods.
Paul Schaaf GmbH & Co – Germany
: +49 2772 62019
Rolf Schlicht
Booth B12
Rolf Schlicht‘s electrostatic powder coating
machine model RSC was designed to
give a fine dose, and absolutely dust free
powdering of cables, wires, hoses, profiles
with powders like talc, stearate and swellable
Due to the electrostatic charging of the
powder, a strong adhesive powder on the
product and a very even layer on the surface
is achieved.
The electrostatic also makes sure that no
powder will fall from the product outside the
dusting chamber. Depending on extrusion
speed and product diameter one to three
100kV powder guns are used.
Machines are designed for product diameters
from 0.5-120mm. In the machine there is a
fluidised powder hopper out of which the
powder is sucked by pneumatic venturi
pumps and blown to the guns.
For an optimal adjustment of the powder
quantity customers can adjust the power
of the electrostatic charging from 0-100kV,
the powder quantity and the speed of the
dust cloud.
In the machine there is a fully automatic and
maintenance-free filter system consisting of
three compact filter elements which are no
longer cleaned off pneumatically.
Thanks to this filter system a strong and
constant vacuum is generated in the machine,
so that no powder will escape. Inlet and outlet
openings of the dusting chamber do not
have to be sealed by brushes.
If there is not enough space in the line to
place the machine, Rolf Schlicht will deliver
a free-standing dusting chamber which is
connected to the machine by a 3m long hose.
For an extremely fine powdering of slowly
running products, a fine dosing device can be
ordered to make sure that only a minimum
powder quantity is transported to the guns.
Rolf Schlicht GmbH – Germany
: +49 4067 994211
Hans Schmidt & Co GmbH
Booth A12
Worldwide there are more than 140,000
Schmidt tension meters used on a regular
Wherever precision and superior quality
is essential in production and processing,
Schmidt tension meters are indispensable in
monitoring, quality control, automation and
process engineering.
Schmidt offers the largest selection of
tension meters: 10 different series, 22
models and more than 2,000 possible
variations. The product range includes
both hand-held models and online tension
meters, each available as mechanical and
electronic versions. Existing product lines
are continuously updated to meet the
customer demands.
Among new developments is the introduction
of the DN1-V1 series, a new version of the
mechanical tension meter with up to 50daN
with special guide rollers for cables and wires
with bigger diameters.
The well-known TS series is now available
with new features to meet the latest demands
for digital signal processing. The advantage of
this is the easy installation of the connecting
cables (max. 1,000m), the independence to
electronic noise and the direct connection to
computers in order to control or store data in
the production process.
Up to 32 tension sensors can be connected to
a single PC to display, store and continuously
analyse tension readings.
Other control instruments – force gauge and
test stands, tachometers and stroboscopes,
wire speed meter, thickness gauges and shore
hardness testers – will also be on display.
Hans Schmidt & Co GmbH – Germany
: +49 8638 4825
Dies galore from Paul Schaaf
The RSC machine from Rolf Schlicht