EuroWire – May 2007
equipment for wire treatment
Bell-type batch
annealing furnaces
Rad-Con, Inc, USA, has over 40 years’
experience in the design of bell-type batch
annealing furnaces, and the company
engineers, manufactures, installs, and
supports high-capacity, robust systems
for the wire and wire-rod industry,
with innovations in convection design,
atmosphere analysis and temperature
control of bell annealing equipment.
Efficient performance of the system’s
convection flow is critically important to
the end-quality of the annealed material.
Rad-Con’s 100% Hydrogen Super-High
Convection (H2SHC)™ system utilises
advanced fan designs combined with a
100% hydrogen atmosphere, resulting
throughout the charge, low utility costs,
and clean, decarb-free product. Modern
control technology allows for ease of
operation and maintenance of required
advanced safety systems for 100%
hydrogen, with redundant safety elements
to eliminate operator error.
The company has also developed the
AC/APEx™ atmosphere control system,
which couples gas stream analysis with
closed-loop process control, to improve
the surface quality of the charge while
minimising the amount of atmosphere
gas required.
Specialising in annealing systems that
produce spheroidised Cold Heading
Quality (CHQ) wire for the fastener industry,
Rad-Con’s experience also encompasses
ferrous and non-ferrous applications in the
agricultural, electrical, construction, spring,
industrial, and communications.
Rad-Con, Inc – USA
: +1 440 871 2948
www.rad-con.comRad-Con specialises in annealing systems
Include your company in this
Special Feature:
Testing & Measuring
Technology & Equipment
If your company is involved in the above industry sector,
we invite you to participate in this special feature by
sending in editorial about your machinery or products,
publication in the July 2007 edition.
Please send the text as a Word document attached to an
email to the address below. Photos should be JPEG 300 dpi
and a minimum width of 12cm.
Please forward to:
David Bell – Editor
: +44 1926 334137
www.read-eurowire.comClosing Date: 18 May 2004
F r e e p u b l i c i t y
July 2007 Edition
l i g Date: 1
May 2007