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EuroWire – May 2007



for Wire Treatment

Introduction text fits in here at a slightly

bigger font size than the body text

Photo in large

Even the thickest wire is thin by ordinary standards

– and its ‘skin,’ thinner still.

Some idea of the challenge of working on that skin,

or imparting properties to it, can be gained from the

abstract of a patent (‘Wire Coil Guiding Device for Wire

Treatment’) chosen more or less at random from the

Internet. It reads:

“A rotating horizontal carrier shaft having the coils of

wires suspended and imparting to the coils rotative

movement about the shaft to transport the coils in a

direction generally parallel to the axis of the carrier

shaft. At least one guide disc is positioned on both

sides of the carrier shaft and the guide discs of each

of the guide disc devices is freely rotatable about a

rotational axis of the disc arranged to extend generally

parallel to the direction of transport of the wire coils.”

And so on. These sentences will give some sense

of the gingerly approach that is a staple of wire

treatment. And bear in mind that they refer only to the

presentation of the wire, in this case to a jet de-scaling


Without question, this is a province for experts . . .

Picture courtesy of Societa’

Industriale Bagnolo Srl, Italy
