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EuroWire – May 2007


Heat and surface

treatment systems

For physical reasons, wire must be

annealed during the drawing process. For

certain applications a surface treatment is

also necessary. Maschinenfabrik Niehoff

GmbH & Co KG, Germany offers a range of

continuous annealers and galvanic plating

lines for wire made of copper, aluminium

and other non-ferrous metals and their


Wire made of copper and copper alloys





immediately following the drawing

process, in an annealer which is integrated

into the drawing line. The wire is fed over

contact pulleys, which induce an electrical

voltage. A defined current flows as a result

of the inherent resistance of the wire

material causing the wire to heat up.

Niehoff has developed annealers for

various applications. The product line

incudes systems that process between

1 and 42 wires with diameters ranging

from 0.05mm to 8mm. In practice, heat

treatment during continuous annealing

of copper wire consists of a pre-heating,

the main annealing, and sometimes post-

heating. As a result, the annealing sections

in the annealers are designed as a three-

zone circuit.

After the wire has passed through the

main annealing section, it is cooled using

a coolant, which is then removed with

forced air emitted by air jets. In order to

remove any moisture residue on the wire

surface, the wire is heated again in the

third zone. However, if the wire diameter

is greater than 0.20mm, the residual heat

in the wire is sufficient to evaporate the

moisture. Consequently, this wire can be

reliably annealed in a two-zone circuit

without any additional supply of energy.

The RM series annealers from Niehoff are

able to switch automatically between two

and three-zone annealing according to

the wire diameter, thus avoiding energy


The company has also developed an inline

annealer for use in the production of wire

made of EC aluminium and numerous

aluminium alloys. Because aluminium has

a strong tendency to oxidise, continuous

resistance annealers for aluminium wire

must be designed so that no oxygen can

enter during the heating process.

The Niehoff Bühler NBM joint venture

company has developed RI type inductive

continuous annealers. These operate on

the basis of the induction principle, and

are suitable for wire with low electrical

and heat conduction characteristics, such

as wire made of various copper alloys. This

kind of wire is very difficult to anneal in

resistance continuous annealers designed

for copper. The RI annealers create wire

with a fine grained, homogeneous

microstructure that gives it very good

processing and forming properties. RI

annealers can be combined with rolling

systems and drawing systems, and are

suitable for round, flat and profile wires

with a simple cross-section made of

brass, bronze and German silver, as well

as nickel and nickel alloys such as heating

conductor and resistance alloys.

The process for plating copper alloy wires

realised in continuously working galvanic

plating lines must generate a tight plating

with homogeneous physical properties

and a high surface quality along the

whole wire length. Modern plating lines

for copper alloys must meet demanding

technical, ecological and economical


Maschinenfabrik Niehoff and Steuler

Anlagenbau, a manufacturer of surface





experience to develop the Niehoff-Steuler

WPT wire plating technology and to

manufacture galvanic wire plating lines

for tin plating, tin-lead plating, nickel

plating, silver plating, and zinc plating

of non-ferrous metal wires. Advantages

of WPT lines include complete solutions

without interface problems, minimised

consumption of energy, water and

chemicals, up to 100% usage of anode

materials, and automatic dosing of

additive and supply of water.

Maschinenfabrik Niehoff GmbH

& Co KG – Germany


: +49 9122 977 155





Anode basket with anode material

equipment for wire treatment