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Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e c o m p a n i e s f e a t u r e d i n t h i s s e c t i o n p l e a s e v i s i t

w w w. w i r e - r u s s i a . c o m

EuroWire – May 2007

wire Russia 2007

28-31 May


Booth J01

Esteves-DWD Poland specialises in the

manu-facturing and reconditioning of high

quality diamond dies for the wire and

cable industry. Products include natural

diamond dies, polycrystalline and mono-

crystalline diamond dies, dies for special

applications, wire guides and extrusion tools

for cable manufacturing, and reconditioning

equipment for diamond dies.

For almost 100 years, Esteves-DWD has

been a symbol of success, achieved through

continuous product improvement and inno-

vation. The group is a member of Dutch

holding company Diamond Tools Group

(DTG), which specialises in the production of

high precision diamond tools.

Esteves-DWD has eight production facilities

in the USA, Brazil, Mexico, Poland, Spain

and China, and produces natural diamond

dies from 0.005-2.00mm and polycrystalline

dies ranging from 0.070-35mm for all kinds

of applications in drawing, compacting,

stranding, tube and bar calibrating.

Esteves-DWD Polska Sp ZO O – Poland


: +48 77 4214307

GCR Eurodraw

Booth C08

Among its many wire treatment lines and

units, GCR Eurodraw has developed a full

range of cleaning equipment for installation

in-line with wire drawing machines.

This includes electrolytic cleaning units

for production of lubricant-free wire, such

as welding wire, stainless steel wire to be

annealed, plating-quality wire for the tyre

industry and for other plating processes.

These units can be used with both dry and

wet drawing machines, to clean the wire and

take off remaining lubricant before spooling

or coiling.

GCR Eurodraw SpA – Italy


: +39 029354 0452


Booth C33

All companies in the Eurolls Group will

be displaying at wire Russia. The group

has recently made a new and important

acquisition in the form of Cortinovis SpA,

a worldwide leader in the field of rotating

machinery for the production of power





steel ropes.

Expansion into new fields has also seen a leap

in the number of orders for the Eurolls Group.

The group has again crossed the border of

technological knowledge by experimenting

with innovative solutions and applying them

to the product, as with the presence of the

cold rolling process in wet multi-pass systems.

In addition to Cortinovis, also present at the

Moscow show will be:

Eurolls SpA (rolls, cassettes, multipass cold

rolling lines, lattice girder production lines);

Teurema SL (wire production lines for

reinforcement material); Team Meccanica

SpA (ferrous and non-ferrous multi-pass

cold rolling and drawing lines, wire take-ups

and pay-offs, specialised productions lines)

and Vitari SpA (straightening and cutting

machines, nail, chain, netted wire and gabion

production lines).

Eurolls SpA – Italy


: +39 0432 796501


Booth J13

Flymca is a Spanish firm which designs and

manufactures rotating machinery for the

production of power and telecommunication

cables, steel ropes, and low relaxation strands.

The company provides the cable industry

with a wide range of cabling equipment such

as rigid stranders, tubulars, skip stranders,

planetary and drum twisters, as well as

auxiliary equipment like pay-offs and take-

ups, rewinding lines, taping and binding

heads, capstans and caterpillars.

The services offered by Flymca are not

restricted to the production of this

machinery, and are completed by a whole

service based on a professional installation

and commissioning, reconditioning and

upgrading, personnel training, and after-sales


At present, the technological development

department of the firm is studding the tubular

layer production, with trapezoidal wires.

This process is realised non-stop during the

cabling, beginning with circular section wires,

and is a big boost for the production of this

kind of cabling. This year Flymca has also

opened a new subsidiary called Flyro, which

deals with the purchase and sale of second

hand machinery, with the possibility of

reconditioning and refurbishment.

Flymca/Flyro – Spain


: + 34 942 559865

Freudenberg Vliesstoffe

Booth F14

Freudenberg’s product portfolio consists

of a wide range of water blocking tapes as

well as of separation/bedding/binding tapes.

All products are suitable for manufacturing

of any kind of energy, data and special cables.

Besides free swelling single layer and covered

sandwich constructions, water blocking

specialities are offered such as foil laminated

styles and thread reinforced tapes for extreme

tensile strength requirements during the

manufacturing process of cables. In addition,

separation bedding and binding types are

available in a wide variety with specific

technical properties.

Freudenberg is represented at wire Russia by

its trade partner Proplast.

Freudenberg Vliesstoffe KG – Germany


: +49 6201 886150

Gauder Group

Booth E01

Gauder Group designs and manufactures

machines for the wire, cable and fibre

optic industries as well as providing re-sale

equipment and a comprehensive range

of services, and with a specialised bow


Maillefer Moscow office and the Gauder

Group combine their marketing and service

activities for Russia, Belarus and Ukraine and

will be present on the same booth.

Pourtier and Setic of the Gauder Group

specialise in rotating machines. They develop

and market innovative technically advanced

equipment in manufacturing systems for

metallic cables (energy, low, medium and high

voltage power cable) – telecommunication

and multi-media – special purpose cables and

fibre optic cables.

Setic, owner of the patented triple twist

technology has developed a concentric

screening process while Pourtier’s new

developments include multi-wire screening,

stranding and armouring, as well as steel

taping from jumbo coils.

Gauder & Co specialises in second-hand

equipment for the wire, cable and fibre optic

cable, and maintains and develops a large

availability of modern stock in Europe and

A whole range of dies for all kinds of applications

Flymca – designers and manufacturers of rotating
