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Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e c o m p a n i e s f e a t u r e d i n t h i s s e c t i o n p l e a s e v i s i t

w w w. w i r e - r u s s i a . c o m

EuroWire – May 2007

wire Russia 2007

28-31 May

Condat will present its new products designed

to accommodate new market trends resulting

from environmental constraints and from the

needs of customers always striving to reduce

maintenance costs.

On display will be:

Vicafil TF 1202 is a low consumption

dry drawing lubricant to be used in

the ripper box on acid pickled and

phosphate coated wires (ie spring wire

and pre-stressed concrete wire). This

new technology helps reducing the

wire temperature and avoids dust in the

stranding lines (high adherence);

for carbon steel, Vicafil TS 1550 is an

environmentally friendly salt coating, free

from boron salts and designed for high

carbon steel;

for tube drawing of stainless and carbon

steel, Condat offers a very innovative

product in Supralub 35. This eco-friendly

product, based of dry lubricants, does not

contain any solvent or heavy metal and

does not produce any waste (such as zinc

phosphate sludge);

a new surface treatment alternative

to zinc phosphate for cold heading.

Vicafil®: surface preparation process

(surface coating and wire drawing) and

Extrugliss® cold heading dual purpose oil

(forming lubrication as well as machinery


Condat – France


: +33 4780 73539


Booth F14

Condor Compounds has strengthened its

portfolio in the wire and cable market with

the installation of a new 120mm co-rotating

twin screw extruder 40d line.

This new manufacturing line will be installed

at Condor Compounds’ existing facility in

Braunschweig, Germany.

A further expansion is expected to start

in October 2007. The new co-kneader

200-line will almost double Condor’s

capacities of CONGuard® LSFOH compliant

compounds, as well as opening the door

for further growth in a number of segments





compounds, silane cross-linked systems or

peroxide crosslinked rubber compounds.

CONGuard® compliant thermoplastic non-

halogenated compounds are low-smoke

and highly flame-retardant and will not

emit corrosive gasses when burned. They are

ideal for extrusion applications such as wire,

cable and conduit.

Strategically located in Central Europe, from

October 2007 Condor Compounds is running

three co-kneader lines, two internal mixers

Banburry-type, one with tangential rotor

system, and one with inter-meshing rotor

system, and one twin screw extrusion line,

with a total capacity of about 40,000t/y.

Condor Compounds GmbH – Germany


: +49 531 21024 38


Booth 1-G01

Eder Engineering and their representation in

Russia, Trade House of VNIIKP, Moscow, look

forward to welcoming friends and customers

to their 1-G01 stand of the Austrian pavilion.






customers aware and familiar with the latest

developments and praxis-proven solutions

for achieving the highest quality products at

a cost effective price.

Exhibits will include drawing die-tools and

die working machines, among them the new

revolutionary USP-TWIN, dual workstation

Ultrasonic equipment for a fast and economic

processing of diamond/PCD dies, model

ETC-1/HF to grind and polish tungsten

carbide dies in record time and many other

leading technology conceptions.

Eder Engineering GmbH/Ltd – Austria


: +43 1367 494949


Booth D06

EFAF’s new automatic coiling line is finally

reaching the Far East after one was delivered

to the Yazaki Group in Thailand.

The coiling line works in-line with the extruder

and is composed of a horizontal accumulator,

the coiler model Mautomatic 300 Evolution,

two trolleys for the manipulation of the coils,

two automatic toroidal strapping machines

and one coil accumulation rolling device.

The coiling line has been optimised, not

only mechanically and electrically, but the

encumbrance has also been reconstructed,

and this coiling plant needs only 6.3 x 4ms

and a height of 3.3m.

This machine can process cable with

minimum cross section of 0.5mm


up to a

maximum of 6mm



EFAF can offer a number of options to

customers, and manifold possibilities can

create customised automatic packaging lines.

The company studies and creates any type of

machine based on the needs of customers

and can accommodate pay-offs, accumulators,

coilers or reels winders and palleting.

A new application is the extension of the

range of cables to be packaged using only

thermo-shrinking film.

This type of packaging is usually used for

cables with a thin cross section, but is now

available for cross sections up to 16mm



single core or multi-core cables, solid and


EFAF has already introduced a system which

is capable of keeping the shape and position

of the traversing, thanks to the positioning

of the end of the cable under the coil. This is

another interesting opportunity for customers

to save packaging costs.

Also available is a range of packaging

options. A perfect example is with an

automatic coiling line EFAF can process up

to five different package varieties.

EFAF Srl – Italy


: +39 0583 981678


Booth A07

Elinar Holding Company is a leading

Russian manufacturer of electrical insulating

materials for the cable industry.

The company’s product range includes

phlogopite and muscovite mica tapes for

fire-resistant cables, conductor tapes, glass

yarns for flat conductor insulation, AL/PET

shielding tapes and silicon rubber insulating


Elinar Holding Company – Russia


: +7 495 509 0317


Condat lubricants

See Eder Engineering's display on the Austrian pavilion