EuroWire – May 2007
english technology news
EFAF delivers coiling
line to Bangkok
After the successful launch of the new
automatic coiling line from EFAF in
Europe, the first one has been delivered
to the Far East – to the Yazaki Group in
Bangkok, Thailand.
The coiling line works in-line with the
extruder and is composed of a horizontal
accumulator, the coiler model Mautomatic
300 Evolution, two trolleys for the
manipulation of the coils, two automatic
toroidal strapping machines and one coil
accumulation rolling device.
The coiling line has been optimised, not
only mechanically and electrically (it is
possible to control the traction on the
cable with an accuracy of 0.1-0.2kg),
but the encumbrance has also been
reconstructed, and this coiling plant needs
only 6.3 x 4m for a height of 3.3m.
This machine can process cable with
minimum cross section of 0.5mm
up to a
maximum of 6mm
The cable in Yazaki’s case passes directly
through the towing device of the
extruder in the accumulator of the coiling
line, by excluding the accumulator of the
extrusion line resulting in a reduction of
effort and cost.
At the exit of the accumulator, the cable
enters the coiler which is composed of
the length measuring device, coiling
head, traversing group, cutting group and
spark tester (it is possible to add other
quality control devices as well, such as
lump and neck down detector).
If the spark tester detects a fault in the
cable, it generates an alarm that allows
the machine to reject that coil without
stopping the cycle.
The customer can select the size of coil
he requires as it is possible to change the
height and external diameter, in addition
to the internal diameter of the coil.
After the coiler, a double turning
manipulator transfers the coils from
the coiling head to the first or second
strapping machine alternately.
The customer opted for the toroidal
machines. These
package coils of different heights and
internal and outside diameters without
the necessity of equipping or preparing.
The number of straps is up to the
customer: in this case there are three
straps at 120° but it is also possible to
have four straps at 90° or only two straps
at 180°.
These strapping machines are also
equipped with a control system on the
bobbin on which the PP-Band is wound.
When the strap is almost exhausted, an
alarm warns the operator that the roll
must be replaced, avoiding stopping the
extrusion line. This example is only one
of the possibilities that EFAF can offer to
Engineering Future AF Srl – Italy
: +39 0583 981678
www.efaf.itA horizontal accumulator
technology at a glance
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Automatic coil winding line Mautomatic 400